He was born and died in Riga. From a merchant family.
He studied at the city Art school in Riga (1913 – 15), Kharkiv art school.
Finished the workshop of Figurative painting of Professor J. R. Tillbergs at the Latvian Academy of arts (thesis "Sunday",1926).
1942 – 44 LAH associate Professor, led the class of drawing plaster heads and portrait.
1951 – 55 Artistic works of the Latvian SSR.
Participates in exhibitions since 1917
Solo exhibitions : Riga 1937, 1942
Commemorative exhibition: 1969 Tukums, and kuldīga, Koknese, 1978, Riga, 1969
Exhibition of the group of Independent artists (1922 – 28).
Exhibition of the society of Latvian artists (1928 – 38).
Member of society "Dardedze" (1939).
The member of artists ' Union since 1945
Zaslujennyi art worker of the Latvian SSR (1955).
Worked in all genres of painting, especially in the domestic genre and portraits,he often used mythological subjects. In her work, she carried out the tradition of realism, with features of decor and styling.
He painted Church paintings in Cesvaine (1924), Jumprava (1926), Vecsaule(1927).
There are works of monumental painting and stained glass.
Bina is the author of several books about art, published in the press of his time.
Awarded with scholarship (1927 – 28) and award (1933) culture Foundation of Latvia.