Stepanovich Borisov

Russia • 1925−1995

Painter, muralist. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

He graduated (with honors) in Sverdlovsk art school and the Leningrad Higher art-industrial school im. Vera Mukhina, where he received specialty muralist. His favorite teacher was Professor G. A. Savinov, who already when he was a student of Borisov defined the most characteristic of the work of the future master features: "sharp contornist, increased perception of light and tone, the major perception of the world, expressiveness, emotionalism". The artist is very carefully treated to the very sheet of paper, using different varieties, admiring its original texture. It is a long time "preparing" sheet, introducing additional methods and tools for processing, creating their own "know-how" when writing watercolor.

Watercolor was to master the valuable and even precious paint. He never used white and gouache, which are for most artists is almost a must-have addition that gives the clarity of the depicted objects. Even a colored outline that characterizes the works of Borisov, remained in watercolor. Ivan Stepanovich appreciated the cleanliness of the material, saying that watercolor is not inferior to any oil or gouache or tempera painting. Lyricism and, at the same time, the monumental, the decorative - in the absence of contrast and "sharp touch" - and the softness that you created with the "fading color and tone of the masses" - that features, carefully cultivated by the master.

The artist travels a lot. The most important thing to this amazing man - a real journey through the Urals, Siberia, Crimea, Caucasus, the Baltic States... Each new city, the new view that opens before the eyes of the master, a further reason for the picturesque (in the sense of watercolor) searches. The houses in the Dagestani village or temples in the cities of the Golden ring of Russia do not exist in the works of I. S. Borisov by themselves as separate objects. They exist as part of the environment, space, nature...

(From the article Y. B. Tabrizian)

(20.01.1925, D. Saidina ukholovskomu district of the Ryazan region - 30.01.1995, Perm). Painter, watercolorist. Honored. artist of the RSFSR. In 1926 the family moved to Moscow. Worked in art studios of the Central House of pioneers and the House of pioneers of the Sokolniki district. In 1941, together with his family was evacuated to Sverdlovsk. In 1942, he entered Sverdlovsk art school. In 1943-1944 he was a student of Sverdlovsk infantry school, he served in the Soviet Army (1944-1946). Fought at the 1st Belarusian front, was the commander of a rifle platoon, Lieutenant. Awarded Order of the red Star Order of the Patriotic war, medal "For the capture of Berlin".

In the years 1946-1951 he studied at the Sverdlovsk art College named. I. D. Shadr in A. A. Zhukov, G. P. Gaev, N. P. Golubchikov. He graduated from the Leningrad higher art-industrial school im. Mukhina, Department of monumental-decorative painting (1951-1957). Teachers - G. A. Savinov, K. L. Iogansen, V. A. Obolenskii. Diploma work - decorative panels "Mosaic manufacturing" (tempera), were exhibited at the exhibition of works of artists for the VI world festival of youth and students in Moscow (1957). Since 1957 lived and worked in Perm.

Participant of exhibitions since 1957. Member of the Union of artists since 1962. Engaged in easel painting, working in the genres of landscape, still life. In 1959 he turned to watercolors, studied the expressive possibilities of technology. In 1958, together with Perm. artists, A. I., Repin A. N. Tambasova made its first trip to the North of Perm. . the Majestic and rugged beauty of the Ural nature impressed the artist. In the late 1950s - early 1960s travelled around the RR. Vishera and Chusovaya in between verkhnechusovskiye Gorodki, village of Kyn. During the trips it was a lot of nature studies in oils, watercolor, pencil. ...

In the early 1960s, together with his wife - an artist-ceramist R. N. Shevyakova Borisov made creative trips around the country (the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Baltic States), where he became acquainted with the works of watercolor artists, has written an extensive series of the Baltic landscapes. In 1963 traveled to the creative dacha in hurzuf, where he gathered many well-known master of watercolor. Intensive creative work, the study of nature, the search for an expressive artistic language, professional communication, - all helped the artist to find one's own way in art. The main genre of his creativity is landscape. From the lyrical, chamber works navigates to the generalization and monumentality, epic creates watercolor landscapes, paintings.

In 1963-1964 years, fulfilling the social order, together with a team of Perm. artists, which included V. F. Maltsev, P. F. Shardakov, V. F. Kuzin, worked in the Potash plant Berezniki. Was created "Morning in Berezniki gateway", "Soda plant", "Potash plant", etc. In large-scale industrial landscapes, the artist strictly organizes the space, summarizes the sculptural form, making the dynamics of rhythmic repetitions, and increases the color sound.

Important for the artist was a trip to Dagestan and Kabardino-Balkaria (1966, 1968). The established cycle of work introduced him as a bright original artist, who is also one of the leading Soviet masters of watercolor. Turning to full-scale sketches, the artist goes on to more constructive and monumentality, in the color - to more decorative richness. Real-life imagery spiritualized, filled with romantic sounding. With a gift of subtle color perception, the artist through the color conveyed strong emotions, feelings, combining generalization with fine color development, textural play ("At the market", "Women at the river", "Aul of Akhty", "mountain Road").

In the late 1960s - in the 1970s, Borisov also went to visit artists around the country. The most important of them are: on the river Yenisei (in the Soviet Union of a group of watercolor artists), old cities, Central Asia and Lithuania, Siberia and the Crimea, the Urals and Kama river area (cities Cherdyn, Solikamsk, Kungur, Tchaikovsky). Great artistic and historical importance of its landscapes, devoted to the old Russian cities, great architectural monuments – "Rostov", "Uglich", "Church in the city of Solikamsk", "Rostov chimes".

Engaged in I. S. Borisov and monumental art: performed 6 decorative panels for a resort Ust-Kachka (1958-1959), the panel "Friendship of peoples" for the cinema "Rodina" in Ugleuralskaya (1960), 6 decorative panels for the Palace of culture village South on the theme of fairy tales (1966), a mosaic of "Space and science" on the facade of the Palace of culture in Polazna (with A. G. Motovilov, 1967), has designed the interior of commercial kitchen Perm (jointly with R. N. Shevyakova, 1970).



To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the great October socialist revolution", 1957

I-I exhibition of watercolors, 1965

II exhibition of watercolors, 1969

Exhibition dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the USSR, 1972

III exhibition of watercolours, 1972

IV exhibition of watercolors, Minsk, 1975


IV exhibition "Soviet Russia", 1969-1970

"Ural. Siberia. Far East" 1971

dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the USSR, 1972

V exhibition "Soviet Russia", 1975


Exhibition of Soviet watercolors in Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia, 1965

Exhibition of Soviet watercolors in Norway (in Oslo and some other cities), 1968

Exhibition of Soviet watercolors in Hungary, 1975


"Ural socialist":

I-I, Sverdlovsk, 1964

II-I, Perm, 1967

III, Chelyabinsk, 1969

IV-I, Ufa, 1974

V-I, Tyumen, 1979

VI, Sverdlovsk, 1985


"Perm artists. Beloved land", EXPO 2000. Hannover, Germany, 2000

Regional: 1959


Perm, PGHG 1962, 1975

Perm, gallery "Maris-Art" 2001, 2004

Lit.: All-Union art exhibition. 1957. M., 1958;

Young masters of decorative art: collection of the diploma. works 1955-1957: the album. L., 1959. P. 85;

Loginova, E. Exhibition of works by Perm artist I. S. Borisov. Perm, 1962;

The artists PERMI / ed. text N. N. Pieces of silver. Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1963. 70 C.;

Artists on the Yenisei: cat. CA. Krasnoyarsk, 1966;

Graphics Perm: cat. CA. / Perm. otd-nie of the Union of artists of Russian Federation, Perm. state art. gallery. Perm, 1966. 44 p.;

3rd national art exhibition "Soviet Russia". M., 1967;

Bio-bibliographic dictionary: vol. 2. M., 1972. P. 36;

Ivan Borisov. Watercolor: cat. CA. / AVT.-comp. G. A. Polikarpov. Perm, 1975;

Ivan Borisov // Perm organization CX RSFSR: booklets. Perm, 1979;

Kazarinova, N. V. Artists Perm. Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1987. 192 p.;

Perm artists. Favorite land. EXPO 2000. Hanover, Germany: booklet / comp. I. P. Fedotov. Perm, 2000.

(Source: encyclopedia of "Perm Krai", I. P. Fedotov)

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