Ilich Bortnikov

Kazakhstan • 1909−1980

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Honored worker of arts Kazakh SSR.

Born in the village Karmakchi the Kyzyl – Orda region. In 20-e years of the XX century worked in the art Studio of N. Khludov in the town of Verny (Almaty). Continued his artistic education in Odessa, she studied at D. Extreme. After graduation he worked in Almaty, taught at the Almaty art school N.In.Gogol was a participant of many art exhibitions. Picture Khludov on pastures Bortnikov, A. I. dedicated to his teacher, the artist Chludowo N. G., arrived in Kazakhstan in 1879.

Painter, honored artist of Kazakhstan. Born in the village Karmakchi the Kyzyl – Orda region. In 20-e years of the XX century worked in the art Studio of N. Khludov in the town of Verny (Almaty). Continued his artistic education in Odessa, she studied at D. Extreme. After graduation he worked in Almaty, taught at the Almaty art school N.In.Gogol was a participant of many art exhibitions. Picture Khludov on pastures Bortnikov, A. I. dedicated to his teacher, the artist Chludowo N. G., arrived in Kazakhstan in 1879. Sixty-two years of his life and creative activity Khludov gave Kazakhstan. His name is associated with the development of the school of painting in Kazakhstan. Khludov in 1920 he organized an art Studio, which was engaged in A. Kasteyev, S. Chuikov, Alexander Bortnikov and others in the future well-known artists. Bortnikov in the picture Khludov on pastures (1960) was able to create a beautiful image of the artist on the background of the national landscape. Khludov is depicted in the process, gathered around him with great curiosity and interest adults and two children. Especially the boy and girl attentively listening to the artist and consider the attributes: easel, canvas, paints, brushes. All for the first time. One of them has dreams of becoming an artist.

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