Mikhailovich Byliev-Protopopov

Russia • 1907−1986

Biografía e información

Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.


1. Lovyagin V. A., et al. Blockade diary. Paintings and drawings besieged time. Album catalog. Saint-Petersburg. 2005. S. 40 – 43

2. Walsenburg, O. E. etc. bio-bibliographic dictionary. Vol. 2. SPb. 2002. S. 136

3. Shvedov, V. M. (compiler). Book and easel graphics of Leningrad artists. Directory. Leningrad. XLP. 1955

4. Zykov A. (author VST. article), Volyn I. N. (compiler). The second all-Russian exhibition of watercolors and drawings. Moscow. Soviet artist. 1977