Vladimirovich Vasnetsov

Russia • 1924−2009

Biografía e información

Andrey Vasnetsov (February 24, 1924, Moscow – December 6, 2009, Moscow) — painter and muralist, WWII veteran, teacher. One of the founders of "severe style", characterized by a special feeding of subplots and characters and is filled with heroic spirit, energy and personal will of the main characters. From 1988 to 1992 he held the post of Chairman of the Board of the Union of artists. The grandson of Victor Vasnetsov, Russian painter.

Features of the artist Andrei Vasnetsov: among the paintings of this artist are portraits, landscapes, interiors, still lifes. They are all United in a well considered composition with the objects of three-dimensional forms. Each element has shape and takes its place on the canvas, harmoniously combined with other items and balancing them. In some cases the artist prefers to apply the technique of the grotesque, deliberately enlarge some features and downplaying others than seeking a more precise interpretation of the plot viewer.

Famous paintings by Andrei Vasnetsov"The family Ivanushkina", "Erase", "Conversation", "Two sofa", "Shot", "Family dinner".

Paintings Andrey Vladimirovich Vasnetsov

The artist was born in the family of Professor and, being a grandson of the famous artist, from a young age never pictured myself outside of art. Surrounded by the legacy of his grandfather, he was a frequent guest of the Tretyakov gallery, which was perceived by them as a logical extension of the house. Starting with the study of the art of drawing in the art Studio of the Moscow House of pioneers, Vasnetsov continued his education, after returning from the fronts of world war II.

As an artist Andrei Vasnetsov began with the creation of the frieze and mural for the pavilion "farm" on the agricultural exhibition — his work in 1953 called the "Forest landing" and was done in collaboration with classmates. A year later Vasnetsov participated in youth art exhibitions, which were held at the Kuznetsk bridge. Submitted work — still life "Black chicken" and easel painting "Surgeons" — has caused public ambiguous emotions that did not stop the artist to continue to look for your own style.

Your creative way of the artist Andrei Vasnetsov continued, actively participating in the Moscow, regional, Republican and all-Union exhibitions. The wizard also exhibited in USA, Japan, Germany, Bulgaria and other countries. His first solo exhibition of the painter organised in Moscow in 1987.

In addition to monumental paintings, Andrey V. Vasnetsov, now being exhibited in the Russian Museum, the Tretyakov gallery and other museums, his legacy is stained glass, mosaics, sculptures as well as paintings, written based on folklore and historical subjects.