He studied at Warsaw drawing school (1874-1876) Wojciech Gedeon and A. Kamensky, Imperial Academy of arts (1876-1881). In 1882-1883 - the pensioner of the Imperial Academy of arts abroad (Paris, Algiers, Rome). Lived in Rome. 1886 - academician. Participant of the exhibitions of the Imperial Academy of arts, the society for the encouragement of artists, the Society of arts, St. Petersburg society of artists, foreign.
Bakalowicz, was born in the family of the artist. Mother - known in Warsaw actress. Original art education received from his father in the Warsaw drawing school. In 1876, Bakalovich arrives in St. Petersburg and entered the Academy of arts. Studying brilliantly and ends in 1881, OH with a large gold medal and the right to a pensioner's trip - for the painting "St. Sergius blessing Dmitry Donskoy in the battle and lets him two monks". Bakalovic goes to Krakow to J. Matejko, then to Paris, visited Algeria. In 1883, gets to Rome and amazed by the beauty of ancient antiquities, remains here forever. From that moment the artist was only interested in scenes from ancient Greco-Roman life. He is studying history and archaeology, spends a lot of time in POM-peach. In Russia, Bakalowicz regularly sends PA academic exhibition of my new paintings. It is accompanied by huge success, the paintings sold out instantly (and in Russia and in Italy). He became one of the pillars of the so-called late academic. Compare it with G. I. Semerad-skim - the idol of the General public. In 1886, Bakalowicz awarded the title of academician of historical painting for the painting "Evening conversation", "Neighbors", "Message" and "the Roman poet Catullus reads his poems to friends." Latest work buys for the gallery Pavel Tretyakov. Bakalowicz, refers to a rather common type of artists, who, possessing a tenacity almost photographic eye and a remarkable skill, have a genuine creative originality. Striving for beauty, they are technical perfection only superficially reproduce its form, existing in the art. Bakalovich was truly passionate about the beauty and integrity of ancient life, so expressive, contrasting with the bourgeois vulgarity of late nineteenth century But, in fact, he has adapted the antiquity to the tastes of the bourgeois public. His paintings are predominantly more or less entertaining genre scenes in ancient costumes and scenery that can be seen even by their names: "Feast at Pompeii," "In a reception of the Patron" (both 1888), "may night" (1889), "the Gladiators before entering the arena" (1891), "Roman flower girl" (1900), etc. of Drama, requiring psychological development, the artist was not possible (for example, "the Edict of Maria",1896). In 1903, Bakalowicz visited Egypt. The result is a new theme, but not a new painting: "the Prayer of Majority" (1904), "Ament, the great priestess of Hathor emerging from the Holy of holies after praying to the goddess" (1906) and In 1913. AH refused to Bakalovicha in the device of the personal exhibition. In 1914 he last showed his work in St. Petersburg. The name of the picture seems to be symbolic: "the Last rays". Since that time, the relationship of the artist with Russia ends.
Motivo algerino. Venditore di tappetiStepan (Stefan) Vladislavovich Bakalovich