Danilovich Jura

Russia • nació en 1939

Biografía e información

In 1961, the year enrolled at 2-year in connection with the transfer from the Kharkiv art Institute. Thesis in the CVC - sketches of scenery and costumes for the ballet by Khachaturian "Spartacus", the rating is good. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualified as a painter of theatrical-decorative painting.

A theater artist. Muralist. Artist DPI.

Born in the village of Karatal Kirovsky district of Taldy - Kurgan oblast, Kazakh SSR.

Graduated from Alma-ATA art school, theater Department (1959), the Leningrad Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. Repin on a speciality "the Artist - a painter of theatrical - decorative art" (1965).

Worked at the Yaroslavl theater. F. G. Volkov (1965 - 1966), the Art Fund of the city of Barnaul (1966 - 1994) was promoted from graphic designer to painter, muralist, graphic, long been the main artist ZHELEZNODOROZHNOGO R-na g. barnaula on a voluntary basis.

During the 1960s - 1970s worked in the field of scenography. He created sketches for the play "hamlet" by William Shakespeare, the ballet "Spartacus" by A. Hachaturjana, a series of sketches for the Opera "the snow maiden", N. Rimsky - Korsakov, N staging.P.Theater "Young guard" based on the novel by A. Fadeev.

The main activity of the artist - monumental art. Works in the technique of coinage, marquetry, painting, woodcarving, arts and crafts.

Paul D. is one of the founders of art galleries of Altai state University.

The artist's works are in museums, galleries and private collections in Russia, France, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, USA, Mongolia, China.

A participant of regional exhibitions since 1966.

Exhibitions: all-Union "40 years of Soviet Kazakhstan", Alma - ATA (1961), zonal "socialist Siberia", Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk (1967, 1969, 1975), all-Union exhibition of works of artists (1973-1974), "Earth in the Altai", Ulan - Bator (1977, Mongolia), "Soviet Russia", Moscow (1980), "Fields of Altai", Moscow (1985), the Republican exhibition of monumental artists, Yaroslavl (1988), exhibition of works of artists of the Altai territory in the framework of the Year of Russia in Kazakhstan, Barnaul, Ust - Kamenogorsk, Semipalatinsk (2004).

Member of expert Council of Russian monumental art (1976).

Lives and works in Barnaul.

Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1971


Stage design plays:

To W. Shakespeare's tragedy "hamlet." 1966.

To the Opera N.Rimsky - Korsakov's "Sadko". 1967.

For the ballet by A. Khachaturyan "Spartak". 1969.

To the Opera N.Rimsky - Korsakov "The Snow Maiden". 1969.

For the Opera Yu Shaporin "Decembrists". 1980.


Portrait of a girl in a blue jacket. 1969. K.,M. 96,7x71,5. GHMC.

Duma Basargin. H.,M. 1972. 100x79. GHMC.

Portrait Of Elvira. 1972. H.,M. 57x41. GHMC.

Virgin start. 1982. H.,M. 105x95. GHMC.

Triptych "the Storm whale". 1986. H.,M. GHMC.

"8 portraits of great composers" ("J. S. Bach", "L. van Beethoven", "Mozart W. A.", "F. Chopin, M. I. Glinka", "modest Mussorgsky". "P. I. Tchaikovsky", "Shostakovich"). 1989. H.,M. 220x180. Concert hall of music school, Barnaul.

Monumental-decorative works:

"Songs Of Altay". 1969. Panels. Marquetry. 385x375.

"Decorative panel". 1975. Chasing. Copper. Banquet hall of the hotel "Central" in the city of Barnaul.

"Theatre and time". Mural in the interior House of culture state farm. V. I. Lenin district of the Annunciation. 1976. 490x1160. "Rural Nov". Painting in the House of culture S. Oskolkova Aleysky district. 490x1170.

"Calico ball". 1980. The painting in the dining room, Cotton mill, Barnaul. 1 335x600.

"Continuity of generations". 1982. Painting. 365x2900. Assembly hall Cotton mill, Barnaul.

"Theatrical scene" (950x1050), Sport (950x1300). 1983. Painting. Sgraffito. The house of culture of Ust-Pristanskiy rayon, Altayskiy Kray.

Soldiers of the revolution. 1985. Painting. 620x2600. The cotton plant, Barnaul. Sport. Sgraffito. 950x1300. DK, s. Ust ' -Pristan, Altai Krai.

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