Dmitrievich Korin

Russia • 1892−1967

Biografía e información

The son of a peasant icon painter from Palekh. He studied at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture (1912-19) with K. A. Korovin and S. V. Malyutin. Headed the restoration workshop of the Museum of fine arts. A. S. Pushkin (1932-59). Participated in the post-war restoration of paintings from the Dresden gallery. At the end of the 1920s and 30s worked on landmark painting “disappearing Russia”, numerous studies which (“Shimizu”, “Father and son”, etc.) became in fact the spiritual anthem of a bygone, but not broken old Russia. With K. 1930 the main theme of the painter — contemporary (including the portrait of M. V. Nesterov, 1939). During the great Patriotic war, he created the triptych “Alexander Nevsky” and a series of portraits of Soviet commanders. After the war he worked on the mosaics and stained glass for the Moscow metro and Moscow state University.

A Korin - one of the largest, most complex and tragic figures in Russian art of the XX century he was Born in the famous village of Palekh to a family of painters. The life path was predetermined. However, the development of talent required. Corinne moved to Moscow in 1911, became assistant M. V. Nesterov the work on the painting of the Church of STS. Meeting with Nesterov who understood art as a spiritual feat, and another "meeting" with the work of A. A. Ivanov, reverence for his ascetic life strengthened in Chorin dream to give all my life to the service of art, to reach the heights of skill, to become the successor of the great traditions of Russian painting. In 1916, Corinne finishes up the school but, unsatisfied with his first independent works, is aware of how long cherished the ideal of how difficult the path to the target. In 1918-25 he, in the midst of turmoil in the country and in art, Corinne like it is voluntary obedience: a lot of draws, copies, studying anatomy. He is convinced that new and emerging artistic trends do not expand, and sharply narrowed the ability of the artist, not give him into the hands of enough plastic means that this is not a movement up and down. In 1925, Corinne, as once A. Ivanov, finds his subject. In April of this year, the dying Patriarch Tikhon. In Moscow, the funeral is going to the entire Orthodox Russia. Impressed student Nesterov, Russian Orthodox people, Pavel Korin is aware of himself as an artist of the Russia, it would seem doomed, but continues to live, confident in his spiritual innocence. It was intended to portray a procession during the funeral of the Patriarch. Soon after work began on the preparatory sketches for the painting, which is called Corinne "Requiem". At the same time the artist created his first major work - a panoramic landscape "My country" (1928). This view of Palekh distance. Corinne like touches to their native land, gathering strength for the realization of the Grand plan. He again like swears allegiance to the great national traditions, their regular teachers - A. A. Ivanov and M. V. Nesterov. Working on sketches to the big picture took ten years. The last portrait - of Metropolitan Sergius, the Patriarch of the future - written in 1937 Filled with rare for the art of XX century plastic power sketches together constitute a unique series of portraits. Orthodox Russia - from the poor to the highest Church hierarchy - appears before the audience. The characters are United by a common state of inner spiritual fire, but each has an individual character. In 1931, a workshop Corina unexpectedly visited Gorky. From the picture it got a new name - "disappearing Russia" that distorted the original intent, but the "cover" of the artist from possible attacks. Due to Gorky, brothers Paul and Corinne Alexander go to Italy. There they study the old masters, Paul D. paints landscapes and the famous portrait of Gorky (1932). At this time, finally formed a picturesque style Corina: powerful plastic molding, hammered and generalized form, restrained and at the same time rich colors with the introduction of individual color accents, painting a dense, multi-layered, using glazes (CORINE - a brilliant connoisseur of painting techniques). After the death of Gorky in 1936, the circumstances of the artist's life changed dramatically, he was actually forced to stop work on a painting. Already prepared a huge canvas remained intact. Sketch (1935-37) shows that the "disappearing Russia" could be the most important work of Russian art after 1917, full power and symbolic meaning. This Church, overlooking the battle. In the center - three of the Patriarch, Tikhon, Sergius and Alexis, a contemporary of whom was Corinne. In front of them Metropolitan in red Paschal vestments (Easter - the feast of the Resurrection and eternal life). Huge archdeacon excessively (and intentionally) in the long arm raises the incense up gesture to indicate the beginning of the Liturgy: "Bless the censer, master!" but not talking to the patriarchs, as required by the rite, as it were, directly to God. This is the Church, "leaving" in eternity. In fact, the same quality of spiritual endeavor emphasizes Corinne in portraits of men of culture and science, the order for which the artist receives in 1939 Among the model - M. V. Nesterov, A. N. Tolstoy, the actors V. I. Kachalov, L. M. Leonidov, pianist K. N. Igumnov; after the war they added the portraits of M. S. Sarian, S. T. Konenkov, Kukryniksy, Italian artist R. Guttuso. With all the skill and power of these works, in the painting there is a sense of tragic anguish, the painting is closed and kristallizuetsya, leaving the immediacy of the painting as if clad in armor smooth, thick strokes. It's natural. Korin and he feels like a warrior, constantly reflecting the onslaught of hostile forces. During the great Patriotic war, the artist turns to historical subjects, work which he continued until his death. The images of warriors defending not just their homeland, but the spiritual ideals of Russia - attract Corina. That Alexander Nevsky is a Central figure in the famous triptych of the same name (1942), - in which traits and saints of ancient Russian icons, and mighty heroes of the Italian Renaissance. All my life Corinne was fighting. As an artist. As a collector of doomed to destruction of works of ancient art. As a prominent restorer, to whom mankind owes the salvation of many great works, including masterpieces of the Dresden gallery. As a public figure - defender of the cultural monuments of Russia. But to win a major victory - to complete the work to which he knew himself called upon, - Corina failed.