Alexander Pavlovich

Russia • 1798−1877

Biografía e información

A talented architect, innovative practices known as the author of many remarkable projects of buildings in St. Petersburg and its suburbs. His project was built the famous Pulkovo Observatory, a unique structure that brought the world famous architect. More than thirty years A.P. Bryullov gave the teaching in the Imperial Academy of arts.

He was awarded the title of corresponding member of the Academy of arts in Paris, member of the London Institute and the Royal Academy of arts in Milan. In 1830, at home, was appointed court "architect of His Majesty".

Alexander Pavlovich Briullov was born on November 29, 1798 in St. Petersburg in the family of academician ornamental sculpture" Pavel Ivanovich, Brullo.


Together with his younger brother Charles in 1809, he was accepted into the Academy of Arts, at government expense, and in 1822, at the expense of the arts encouragement Society they were sent to 6 years abroad.


Winter brothers held in Munich, and in may 1823 they arrived in Rome. With much love Bryullov studied the ruins of ancient cities, which in 1824 together with Alexander Lvov visited Sicily, and in the autumn of the same year, Pompeii, where diligently engaged in restoration Pompeian baths.


To 1826 they were already made Pompeian baths, in engravings Sands published in Paris, and the text to them was printed in French only in 1829. 1827 Bryullov held in Paris, where he attended a course of mechanics at the Sorbonne and attended the lectures of Buona on the history of architecture. Hence Bryullov traveled to England, Chartres and other places, and in 1829 he returned to St. Petersburg.


"Pompeii terms" taken Briullov the rank of architect of His Majesty, corresponding member of the French Institute, the member of the Royal Institute of architects in England and the title of member of the Academy of fine arts in Milan and St Petersburg.


Very fruitful architectural activity Bryullov was expressed in construction in St. Petersburg and other places of a whole range of capital buildings, which were built on the Highest command at the Pulkovo mountain Observatory, which was built them simultaneously with the building of a building of the Guards corps headquarters at Palace square in St. Petersburg. Brilliant talent Bryullov showed the resumption of the residential premises of the Winter Palace after the fire of 1837 and in the construction here exercise area.


Pompeii ornamentation, on whose behalf the gallery and named performed Bryullov with great taste.


Soon Briullov was entrusted restructuring of the Marble Palace to the day of the wedding Century led. Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich, and yet there was work on putting the building of the Alexander hospital, on the continuation of Nadezhdinskaya street, Nevsky Prospekt. In addition, in 1831 Bryullov built Mikhailovsky theatre in Saint Petersburg, the Gothic Church for the Countess Pale in Pargolovo, the house of the Countess Samoilova in Slavyanka.


In 1832 was the project of the Lutheran Church of St. Peter in Nevsky prospect, in the style of English Gothic architecture, and in the same year was awarded the title of Professor of architecture for the design luxury Church in the capital, in a classic style, after which he and charged was the construction of the Pulkovo Observatory.

Monument in honor of the victory in the Kulikovo field on the project of A. P. Bryullov. 1848.


In 1845-1850-ies he continued work on the Marble Palace, this time he was in charge of reconstruction "home Office". The lower floor was intended for the court stables, and the building facing the garden, would become the arena. For building decoration on the facade, above the Windows of the second floor, the entire length of the middle part of the building was made semidesyatiletiyu relief "the Horse at man's service". It was done by Peter Klodt graphic sketch of the architect. The tympanums side Gables were also made by Klodt and depicted tritons blowing in the sink.


Bryullov was also an excellent painter watercolor. Even while living in Naples, where he went to Pompeii, painted Neapolitan Royal family, and for Empress Maria Fedorovna (1759-1828) - the figure of the Flavian amphitheatre.


In Paris 1837, he was executed on the evening at the Princess Golitsyna most similar portrait of sir Walter Scott (with a blanket on his neck, which the artist himself turned to stone.


In 1830 in Saint Petersburg Bryullov exhibited watercolor portrait of Prince Lopukhina, in 1831 he wrote a watercolor portrait of Emperor Nicholas Pavlovich, surrounded by cadets of different buildings.


Aleksandr Pavlovich Bryullov died on January 21, 1877 in his mansion. The architect was buried at Pavlovsk.