Dmitrievich Milioti

Russia • 1874−1962

He studied at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture (1898-1900). Participant of exhibitions of the New society of artists (1905), "Blue rose "(1907), Golden fleece (1908), "World of art" (1906,1910,1913). After the revolution, lived and worked in Paris.

Painter, graphic artist, theater. artist. Brother V. Milioti. Studied in MUZHVZ (1894-1900) A. Arkhipova, N. Kasatkina, V. Serov, then in Paris. Included in the hood. environment P. Kuznetsov. A member of about tions "Blue rose" (1907-17), "World of art" (1915-16). Participant 1-St World war, ensign. From 1918, in exile in Berlin, from 1922 - in Paris, lived in constant need. Plotless decorative paintings, fiction-allegorical paintings, portraits G., Hirschmann, A., Benoit, N. Taffy, Chaliapin, etc.

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