Georg Gaspar Joseph von

Russia • 1720−1766

Georg Caspar Joseph von prenner (1720-1766), son and disciple of the Austrian court artist A. I. von Prenner.

Since 1742 Prenner worked in Rome, where he created some of the temple altars and performed by order of the Roman cardinal Trojans Akvivy album of engravings (1745-1747).

In 1750 Vice-Chancellor count Mikhail Vorontsov Illarionovich prenner invited to Russia to the court of Elizabeth. It was awarded a contract for three years with a salary of 1500 roubles a year. As court painter prenner wrote magnificent formal portraits of Empress Elizabeth ("Portrait of Empress Elizaveta Petrovny". 1754. TG) and pompous pseudo-compositions ("Equestrian portrait of Empress Elizabeth and his entourage." 1750-1755. RM). Prenner was engaged in custom portraits: Mikhail Vorontsov and his family members, Chancellor A. P. Bestuzhev-Rumin, count P. I. Shuvalov, I. E. Sievers (1750s GE) and others.

Prenner prestigious position as court painter ensured its orders on the part of the St. Petersburg nobility. Foreign artists came into Vogue. He made a fortune, and even borrowed large sums of his patron, count Mikhail Vorontsov. Thirteen known portraits of "particularistic court and in person," created prenner during his stay in Russia. Among them is the lifetime portrait of M. V. Lomonosov, which has not survived, however, until we reached the picturesque copies and prints pendarovski of the original. Apparently, the famous etching depicting M. V. Lomonosov, A. H. Wortman was engraving from that portrait. Prenner also painted icons. The Catherine Palace was a two-sided icon, insert the "Annunciation" / "Christ" (1757). Iconic image was made after a drawing by the famous architect F.-B. Rastrelli. During the world war II icon is gone.

Creativity Prenner should be attributed to the direction of the Baroque. The coloring of his works is somewhat variegated and stiffness, especially in the image details. The coldness of his colorful scales contrasts with the color palette of the majority of Russian masters. Instead of three years Georg Caspar Joseph von prenner stayed in Russia five. He had his Russian pupils. But the proud and hot-tempered artist did not get along with the court environment. In 1755, he left Russia together with his best pupil Alexander Perg. In 1762-1766 years he worked in Rome, wrote altar icons in the churches as well as paintings of scenes from ancient mythology.

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