Nikolayevich Ivashev-Musatov

Russia • 1900−1992

About it [Andreeva A.]. "A close friend D. A. was incarcerated in a "sharashka" and A. I. Solzhenitsyn (launched under the name Kondrashev-Ivanov in his novel "the first circle"; see Chapter "the Castle of the Holy Grail"). Then was transferred to Dzhezkazgan, where he stayed until liberation" (3.2: 487). "Was "activated", i.e. prematurely released in an extremely acute medical condition" (3.2: 503). D. A. dedicated to him (S. M.) verse. "Concert hall" (1: 43), and also mentioned in the poem "America": "James M. is on the way / home of Mozart grust" (3.1: 430). Bibliogr.: 1) Artists of the USSR: Bibliographic. dictionary. Vol. 4, vol. 1. – M., 1983. – S. 462.

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Born in 1900 in Moscow. Died in 1992 in the same place. He studied at the physico-mathematical faculty of Moscow state University (1918-1923), was engaged in art Studio M. F. Shemyakin (1919-1923), AXP Studio of I. I. Mashkov and V. B. Johanson (1926-1929), the Institute of advanced training of painters and decorators in M. K. Sokolov (see) (1936-1938). Participant of exhibitions since 1934 1940 led classes in painting and drawing in art studios. 1.10.1947 arrested in connection with the case of Daniel Andreev. Was charged with anti-Soviet agitation and terror. 30.10.1948 G. OSO sentenced to 25 years in labor camp with subsequent disqualification. He served in the Steplag Karaganda region until 1954, Camp number CA-759. Worked as an artist. The camp work was not preserved. Released in April 1956 he was Rehabilitated in November of the same year. Lived and worked in Moscow.

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