Alexandrovich Ilyin

Russia • 1880−1942

Biografía e información

He graduated from the Institute of civil. ing. (1909) and OH (1904) in St. Petersburg. Worked in St. Petersburg – Leningrad, 1925-38 chief architect of Leningrad, the author of projects of a number of structures and the gene. plan (1932-35, 1935-37). In 1929-31 hands. Institute Lengiprogor, in 1940-41, the Director of the Institute of urban planning Acad. architecture of the USSR. Simultaneously. in 1930-36 chief architect of Baku. Tr. on issues of city planning. Was killed in the shelling in the besieged Leningrad.

Born in Tambov in the family of the artist-lover. In 1897 he entered the St. Petersburg Institute of civil engineers, while working as the assistant city architect in Tambov. In 1902 he graduated from the Institute, but continued his architectural education for some time engaged in the workshop of L. N. Benois at the St. Petersburg Academy of arts. The first years of his creative life Ilyin actively participated in architectural competitions, often receiving awards, many were built in St. Petersburg. Among the most important buildings 10 years - a large complex hospital.Peter the Great (now named.Mechnikov), as well as a number of bridges, architectural of which he served St. Michael's (now Garden), Panteleimon (now named.Pestel), the people's bridge on the Moika and presentation - from Vitebsk station. In 1918 Ilyin participated in the creation of the Museum of the city, the Director of which he remained until 1935. From 1925 to 37 Ilyin, was the chief architect of Leningrad, led the development of the first Soviet master plan and its implementation.

By L. A. Ilyin was carried out reconstruction of the Bolshoi Prospekt of Vasilyevsky island and the Moscow prospectus, landscaping Ligovsky Prospekt, was created a square on the arrow in front of the Exchange. Large town planner, Ilyin participated in the development of master plans in many cities of the USSR, Petrozavodsk, Baku, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl, etc., dealt with the problems of housing construction, in particular, built a house on Moskovsky prospect. He owns a considerable number of theoretical works on the problems of urban development. L. A. Ilyin was killed during the shelling of Leningrad.


in St. Petersburg: a house. Petra Lavrova str., 9 (1903-04. Sovm. with A. F. Bubyr); Residential home. Dobrolyubova St., 3-a. Facade (1904-06. project I. L. Balbashevsky); Green people's bridge. Across the Moika river on Nevsky prospect Restructuring (1904-07. Sovm. with A. Bers); the Building of Anna's Lutheran school. Saltykov-Shchedrin street, 10, yard (1905-06. Sovm. with A. F. Bubyr); Residential home. Zagorodny PR., 66 (1907. Sovm. with A. I. Klein); Mikhailovsky Garden bridge. Through the car Wash on Garden street Rebuilding (1907-08); Panteleymonovskaya Pestel bridge. Across the Fontanka in St. Pestel (1908-13. Sovm. A. P. Pshenitsky, A. I. Zazersky); City hospital. Peter The Great I. I. Mechnikov. Piskarevsky PR., 47 (1908-16. Sovm. with A. I. Klein, A. V. Rosenberg); presentation of the bridge. Through Vvedensky canal. on Suburban Ave (1910-13. Not preserved); the Mansion of L. A. Ilyin. Pesochnaya emb., 24 (1911-13. Preserved outbuildings); a Residential house. 6-ya Krasnoarmeyskaya str., 3 (1912-13); the Building of the Military school. Peterhof, the Comintern street., 15 (1913-15).


The first steps of construction //municipal economy. 1925. N 2. P. 13-19; Beginning of the redevelopment of Leningrad //Construction industry. 1925. N9. 630-632; Green Fund of the town //the utility Issues. 1928. N5. P. 49-56 (with P. Kowalska Illinoi); To the problem of green spaces in cities //Construction industry. 1929. N4. S. 357-362 (with P. Kowalska-Illinoi); Plans of Leningrad 1929 edition of Blockages //public utilities. 1929. N8 (61). P. 20-24; Park of culture and rest in Leningrad. N9 (62). P. 67-73; Ensemble in the architecture of Leningrad //Architecture of the USSR. 1933. N5. P. 9-11; Planning of Leningrad //the Layout and construction of cities N4-5. C. 3-13; Architecture of green spaces Planning and building cities, 1933. N7. Pp. 23-29; the Elements of architecture (Baku) //Our achievements 1935 N4. P. 144-159; Ensemble in the city's architecture //Architecture of the USSR. 1935. N5. Pp. 41-50; Plan of development of Leningrad and its architecture //Architecture of Leningrad. 1936. N1. Pp. 18-33; the Exhibition "Leningrad Architecture for 18 years" //Architecture of the USSR. 1936. N7. P. 27-35; Park.Baku //Problems of landscape architecture. M. 1936. P. 45-80; the Architectural layout problem Baku //2 architecture. 1937. N1 (3). P. 123-151; Architectural layout problem of Leningrad //architecture 2. 1937. N1. P. 153-182; Architecture of Leningrad for twenty years //the Architecture of Leningrad. 1937. N1 (3). Pp. 14-23; Vasily Ivanovich Bazhenov 1737-1937 //Architecture Of Leningrad. 1937 N2 (4). P. 26-30; Creative way of I. A. Fomin. Ibid. N3 (5). Pp. 36-48; Planning of Leningrad and the urban ensemble. P. 55-57; the Planning and construction of highways of the international Prospekt - Moscow highway 1938. N1 (6). Pp. 3-7; My creative way //the same N2 (7). P. 58-65; the Creative path of V. A. Shchuko. 1939. N2 (13). P. 9-26; the Architecture of Leningrad and the Russian national architecture. 1940. N2. Pp. 45-59; Architecture in Moscow and Leningrad. The way the modern architecture of the USSR. 1940. N3. C. 5-13; L. N. Rudnev //Architecture of the USSR. 1940. N3. Pp. 40-49; the ensembles of Moscow //Construction of Moscow in 1940. N15. S. 3-8; Creative way N..Trinity //The Architecture Of Leningrad. 1940. N6. P. 11-27; the works of the architects of Leningrad //Creative issues of contemporary architecture M. 1940. Pp. 40-66; Work of S. Dadashov and M. Useynov //Architecture of the USSR N10. P. 36-42; town-planning features of the South-Western district. N11. P. 20-25; N..Trotsky//ibid. 1941. N2. P. 22-23; Urban Development. M.,1945 (with A. V. Bunin, N. X.Polyakov and V. A. Starikovym).


Architects-builders of Petersburg-Petrograd in the beginning of XX century. Catalogue of the exhibition. L., 1982; Bunin A. In Memory Of Lev Alexandrovich Ilyin. To the 2nd anniversary from the date of death //architect of the USSR. 1945. N9. P. 39-40. Lev Aleksandrovich Ilyin //the Masters of Soviet architecture about the architecture. T. 1. M.,1975. S. 280-305; Busarev E. P. Revolution called //Construction and architecture of Leningrad. 1980. N11. P. 36-40; Ilyin L. A. My creative way//Architecture of Leningrad, 1938. N 2. P. 58-65; Isachenko V., Architect and urban planner//Notebook of agitator, 1980, N 15, p. 45-54.

Busareva Lion E. P. Ilyin. - SPb.: Of GMI SPb, 2008. - 256 S.: ill.

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