Varfolomeevich Baranov

Russia • nació en 1909

Training in WAH was held at the faculty of architecture.

(R. 14(27).11.1909 station starosil'tsi former Grodno province (now in Poland)). A member of the Communist party from 1938. He graduated from the Leningrad Institute of civil engineers (1931) and AH(1934). He studied under L. A. Ilyin, V. A. Shchuko, V. G. Gelfreich. In 1938-50 chief architect of Leningrad, 1956-61 Vice-President and academician-Secretary of the Academy of construction and architecture of the USSR, 1963 and the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on civil construction and architecture under the Gosstroi of the USSR. Professor of the Moscow architectural Institute (1956). Major works (with co-authors): projects of General plans of development of Leningrad (1938-40; 1945-48), the architectural ensemble of the square. Lenin and the new building of the Finland station (1943-60, worked), development of Primorsky prospect (1948-56), the coastal zone of Vasilievsky island (1943-66), a number of large societies, and structures (including universal spectacular sports hall for 25 thousand spectators, 1967) in Leningrad; the project of restoration and development of Pskov (1946). Author of several works on urban planning and architecture. Awarded the order of Lenin, 2 other orders and medals.

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