Alexandrovich Isaev

Russia • 1891−1977

1891, near Odessa -1977, Ivry, near Paris.

Painter, graphic artist, scenographer. In the early 1900s he studied at the art schools of Odessa and Kharkov, in 1912, came to St. Petersburg. In 1919 he emigrated to the Kingdom of CXC. In 1920-24 he worked as a decorator of the National theatre in Belgrade, and copied the Byzantine frescoes. In 1925 he moved to Paris. Attended classes in the workshop of V. I. Shuhaeva and AE Yakovlev. Participated in the salon d'automne and the salon des Tuileries, exhibitions of Russian art in Brussels (1928) and Paris (1931, 1932), exhibitions of the group "Circle" in Belgrade (1931).

Served as scenery for the theater productions of J. Pitoev. Designed the pavilion of the Baltic States at the International exhibition in Paris (1937).

After the war, traveled the South of France, Switzerland, Italy, and Spain. This period came to a free figurative painting, intense color, with a pronounced decorative beginning. Created illustrations to the books of sh. Baudelaire, P. Ronsard, E., N. In. Gogol. Collaborated in the journal "Cest Paris". Solo exhibitions N.. Isayev was held in Paris (1949, 1951, 1962, 1964, 1968, 1976), in new York (1957).

Participated in the exhibition of European art in new York (1965), the exhibitions "Russian artists of Paris school" (1961) and "Russian view" (1974).

His works are in the museums of Zurich, Chicago and the Museum of modern art of Paris.

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