Dionisievich Kalensky

Russia • nació en 1920

He was born 28 Jan 1920 in Irkutsk in a large family of a military engineer.

In 1925, the artist's father was invited to work at the VSNKh of the USSR and the family moved to Moscow.

In 1940, D. V. kalenskaya was called to active military service in the Navy.

In the year of the great Patriotic war fought in the Northern fleet, the senior sailor.

In September 1945 he Entered the Moscow higher art-industrial school (VCM-PU, former Stroganov), where his teachers were A. Kuprin, P. Kuznetsov, S. Gerasimov, V. Egorova, V. Bardachenko, S. Frolov, from which he graduated in 1950.

In the fall of 1950 was adopted in the management of the construction of high-rise building of Moscow state University for the position of artist-architect.

In 1952-1957 he worked in VCM-Poo in the positions of lecturer, assistant Professor S. V. Gerasimov. Studied in graduate school.

In 1954 D. V. Kalenskaya was awarded honorable mention all-Union competition for the best examples of hudojestvennyh works of applied art.

1954 D. V. kalenskaya regularly participates in all-Union, Republican and Moscow and at the annual exhibition of artists-veterans of the V. O. V.

In 1957 admitted as a member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

From 1957 to 1978 he was actively involved in the exhibitions.In 1989 - awarded the title "Honored artist of the RSFSR.

Along with the work of the artist kalens'ke a lot of time and effort devoted to social activities in the life of Moscow Union of artists, as well as military-Patriotic work.

Painter-monumentalist. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. A veteran of the great Patriotic war, people's artist of the Russian Federation. Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts.

He was born 28 Jan 1920 in Irkutsk in a large family of a military engineer.

In 1925, the artist's father was invited to work at the VSNKh of the USSR and the family moved to Moscow.

In 1940, D. V. kalenskaya was called to active military service in the Navy.

During the great Patriotic war fought in the Northern fleet, the senior sailor.

Awarded the order of Patriotic war red star medal "Admiral Nakhimov", "For defense of Soviet Arctic", "For victory over Germany in the great Patriotic war 1941-1945" and many other government awards. In 1956, promoted to the rank of "engineer-Lieutenant".

In September 1945 he entered the Moscow higher art-industrial school (VCM-PU, former Stroganov), where his teachers were A. Kuprin, P. Kuznetsov, S. Gerasimov, V. Egorova, V. Bardachenko, S. Frolov, from which he graduated in 1950.

In the fall of 1950 was adopted in the management of the construction of high-rise building of Moscow state University for the position of artist-architect.

In 1952-1957 he worked in mowe-CP (b. Stroganov) in the positions of lecturer, assistant Professor S. V. Gerasimov. Studied in graduate school.

In 1954 D. V. Kalenskaya was awarded honorable mention all-Union competition for the best examples of artistic works of applied art.

For the development of children's artistic creativity and successful participation of pupils of children's art Studio in the international exhibition "My country, my home" newspaper "pioneer truth" was awarded the V. D. kalens'ke medal of the exhibition.

1954 D. V. kalenskaya regularly participates in all-Union, Republican and Moscow exhibitions, and annual exhibitions of artists-veterans of the V. O. V.

In 1957 admitted as a member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

From 1957 to 1978 he participated in exhibitions of Soviet artists in Beijing (China), Pyongyang (North Korea), Cuba, Mongolia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Montreal (Canada), Poloche, France, Brno (Czechoslovakia), England.

In 1983 he was awarded the first prize of the Moscow city organization of the Art Fund of the RSFSR for the creation of a Memorial to the heroism of Sergeant Vasylkivska and warriors 185 Infantry division.

In 1987 D. V. Kalenskaya was awarded the First prize of the Moscow city contest for the creation of stained glass Windows for the Moscow metro station "Tsvetnoy Boulevard".

In 1989 - awarded the title "Honored artist of the RSFSR".

In 1993 he held a solo exhibition at the gallery, Ministry of agriculture Kuznetsky most, 11 (Moscow).

1994 — personal exhibition in gallery Nagornaya (Moscow).

1998 - exhibition in the Federation Council. Diploma for the painting "Moscow gold-domed".

In 1999, the painting of the Church of Alexander Nevsky in Kurkino (Moscow), the artist was awarded the medal of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow.

In 2000, he held a solo exhibition at the gallery, Ministry of agriculture Kuznetsk bridge, 20. In the same year V. D. kalens'ke participates in the anniversary exhibitions: the Museum on Poklonnaya hill, at the New Manege exhibition center, pavilion "Culture" and in the House of Government of the Russian Federation on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment (personal), dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Victory.

December 2000 - January 2001, participation in the jubilee exhibition dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of Christianity, the Central house of artists (Moscow).

January — February 2001 participation in the exhibition "Moscow and Muscovites" Kuznetsk bridge, 11

2003 - participation in the anniversary exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Ministry of agriculture in the Arena.

2003 - elected members of the Board of the Department of monumental-decorative art of the Ministry of agriculture.

The work of D. V. kalenskaya acquired by galleries and private collectors of Russia, England, USA, Taiwan, Canada, Argentina, Spain, Portugal. In Alliance with architects he took an active part in the development and implementation of projects pilot program for the synthesis of the arts in Moscow, in particular, of the project of reconstruction of the Kalinin Prospekt, in the drafting of a comprehensive architectural solution of the building model school No. 99 in Strogino, which has earned the endorsement of guidelines and architectural organizations in Moscow, for which he was awarded a commendation of the Ministry of agriculture.

D. V. kalenskaya actively involved in the activities of the Moscow architectural and art competitions, participated in a festive red ornaments on clothes in Smolensk, Smolenskaya squares and other Central streets and squares of Moscow.

Along with the work of the artist kalens'ke a lot of time and effort devoted to social activities in the life of Moscow Union of artists, as well as military-Patriotic work.

From 2003 to the present time kalens'ke V. D. actively participates in all exhibitions held in Moscow: anniversary of artists Union of Russia in the halls of the Central house of artists; exhibitions devoted to the 60 anniversary of the Victory in the halls of the Central house of artists, Manezh, the Maliy Manezh, the Central Museum of the great Patriotic war on Poklonnaya hill, the halls of the Moscow Kremlin, etc. of exhibition halls of Moscow.

23 February 2005 by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation kalens'ke, V. D. honorary recognition of "people's artist of the Russian Federation".

29 March 2005 was awarded the medal of the Russian Academy of Arts.

Between 22 December 2005 and 8 January 2006 in the halls of the Central house of artists hosted an anniversary, a personal and retrospective exhibitions of paintings, drawings and monumental-decorative art kalens'ke, V. D., who had numerous responses in the press and other media, letters of appreciation.

21 APR 2006 kalens'ke V. D. participated in the solemn opening of the exhibition dedicated to 100 anniversary of Russian submarine forces. Participated as a submariner during the second world war, and as the artist of the present time. Awarded a diploma and commemorative medal of the exhibition in the halls of the Central Museum of great Patriotic war on Poklonnaya hill. At the celebrations dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the military hospital.Burdenko, took an active part in creating the picture gallery of the hospital. Awarded the medal "For service to Fatherland".

2007. Participation in art exhibition in the halls of the Central Museum of great Patriotic war on Poklonnaya hill, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the battle of Moscow; part in several exhibitions in the hall of Moscow Union of artists on Begovaya street 7/9.

2008. Participation in the anniversary exhibitions 75 years of the Ministry of agriculture in the Central exhibition hall "Manege", Central house of artists on Krymsky Val, 50 years of the Russian artists ' Union "Fatherland" at the Central house of artists. Working on new works.

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