Nikolayevich Kardovsky

Russia • 1866−1943

Biografía e información

Born in the village Osenovo (Yaroslavl province) August 24 (September 5) in 1866 in the family of the landowner. He studied at St. Petersburg Academy of arts under p. P. Chistyakov and I. E. Repin, and in the school of A. azhbe's in Munich (1896-1900). Lived in St. Petersburg-Petrograd (1892-1918), Moscow (1920-1941) and Pereslavl-Zalessky (1919-1920 and 1941-1943).

From a young age was actively engaged in the fine arts from 1903 he led a workshop in painting school at the Academy of arts of Repin as an assistant, then independently. Decorated with their beautiful mural in the spirit pedantically-strict historicism ascension Cathedral in Novocherkassk (1903). The best illustrative cycles (Kashtanka by A. P. Chekhov, 1903; Nevsky prospect, H.In.Gogol, 1904; 'm Burning from wit by A. S. Griboedov, 1904; Inspector Gogol, options 1922 and 1933) sought special shaped credibility with exquisitely-accurate touch and tone spots. Prefer mixed techniques, often turning to "pure" lead pencil (as in his masterpiece series of graphic Nevsky prospect), watercolors or tempera. Having absorbed the sharp rhythms of art Nouveau, temperament Kardovsky shunned risky formal fantasies and experiments, so his work has become one of the essential connecting links between the style of the silver age and post-revolutionary traditionalism. After the closure of the Academy of arts continued to teach at the Moscow higher art (Higher artistic and technical workshops, 1920-1930), and the Studio KP Chemko (1922-1930). Created a large series of drawings and watercolors of the history of the Russian revolution (the uprising of the Decembrists to people's will terrorist attacks, 1925-1931). Made great contributions in set design, having a number of productions of the Maly theatre (A. N. Ostrovsky: the Forest, 1921; poverty is not a Vice, 1924; Its people – are numbered, 1929; I. S. Turgenev: Breakfast at the leader and Parasite, 1924). In later decades he worked as an Illustrator (works of F. M. Dostoevsky, L. M. Leonov, N..Nekrasov, I. S. Turgenev, etc.), but increasingly turned to a simple explanation of Pereyaslavl. Died Kardovsky in Pereslavl-Zalessky 9 February 1943.

Dmitry Kardovsky was born on 6 September 1866 in the estate Osurovo near Pereslavl - Zalessky. His life and career is closely connected with the native land, as well as with Moscow and St. Petersburg, where he studied. The Legacy Of D. N. Kardovsky is vast and diverse. The range of his artistic interests were extremely broad. He entered the history of Russian and Soviet art as a master of drawing, Illustrator of books, theater artist, teacher. In any of these areas worked, always sought success and recognition.

But above all, Kardovsky - master drawing. The student of I. E. Repin and p. P. Chistyakov, he passed a good school of academic drawing, expanded their knowledge in the workshop of Professor Ashbe in Munich, which allowed him to compile the best teaching experience of Russian and European schools of drawing. In the chart Kardovsky have achieved the greatest success. Primarily in book illustration. The ability to penetrate into the internal atmosphere of literary works, to understand the characters of the actors and vividly convey this in the illustrations that made his illustrations are excellent and in many cases unmatched ("Kashtanka" Anton Chekhov, "Nevsky Prospekt" by N. In. Gogol, "the Grief from mind" A. S. Griboedov). Kardovsky illustrations graced the book by L. N. Tolstoy, I. S. Turgenev, I. A. Krylov. L. Leonov, Defoe and other writers.

Kardovsky - teacher brought up a brilliant galaxy of artists. He taught D. A. Shmarinov, and V. P. Efanov, B. A. Dehterev, N. Uh. Radloff, K. I. Rudakov, I. P. Shillingovsky, A. E. Yakovlev, V. I. the two artists and many others. How highly appreciated this side of himself Kardovsky is the fact that the exhibition of 1929, devoted to the 20th anniversary of his work, of the 300 works in the exhibition, only 10 belonged to the artist, all others are his disciples. After the death of Kardovsky many of his disciples gave their work of Pereslavl Museum for the exhibition "the Honored worker of arts of RSFSR D. N. Kardovsky and his disciples", in order thus to perpetuate the memory of his teacher and his school.

Known Kardovsky and as a theater artist. For many years he worked at the Maly theatre, creating costumes and scenery for the plays of A. N. Ostrovsky and Turgenev.

A great place in the artist takes a historical topic which he gave a lot of knowledge and talent. Probably this interest was the result of an invitation by the publisher I. Knebel best of artists of Russia, including Kardovsky, to work on a series of visual AIDS for school "Pictures on Russian history". So, there was a series of paintings devoted to the era of Peter I, in 1925, Decembrist cycle, joined in the work of the people, the events of 1905, 1917-1920th years. ("Petri and Novik", 1909, "defense of Sevastopol" 1910, "the Fleet of Peter I on the lake of Pereslavl" 1927, "the Landowner in the stable yard" 1931, "the Ball in Moscow in the late 1820-ies" and others). A love of history, knowledge of the details of the situation, the costume, the ability to penetrate into the essence of historical events helped the artist in the figurative incarnation of the past homeland.

A significant part of the life and work of Kardovsky tied to Pereslavl - Zalessky. In 1919-1920 years the artist's family lived in his hometown. Here he painted many landscapes, portraits of residents, among which a special place belongs to the natives of the Fishing settlement whose portraits he wrote for an unrealized painting "Pereslavl fishermen." "What a beauty here! Especially, I think, excruciatingly exciting must feel here the artist is originally from Central Russia... What people are like, what the scenery, the colors, especially the present sometimes there are no words to describe!"- he wrote in the letter.

In those years, Dmitry and his wife Olga lyudvigovna, also an artist, took an active part in the cultural life of the city. Dmitri worked at the Museum, helped shape the collection, doing their scientific description, was a member of Pereslavl - Zalesskiy scientific and educational society (PESANTREN), at a meeting which made a report on "Rembrandt, his life and work", published in one of the collections Peterova. Olga lyudvigovna led the art room. Dmitrii N. performed the sketches for the staging of G. Hauptmann's "Sunken bell," has been successfully submitted Amateur actors on the stage of Pereslavl.

Family Kardovsky often came to Pereslavl-Zalessky. Dmitri loved this town, "his land, his people. With obvious warmth and sincere sympathy Dmitri to the common people: all kinds of craftsmen, artisans, peasants, He never called them by name only, and always by first name: "Ivan Nikonorovich, Fedor Spiridonovich". About this property of the soul and character of Kardovsky evidenced by the inscription made on the back of "Portrait of A. I. Halizova"(1924) stored in the Pereslavl Museum: "Alexei Khalizov, he Martynovskaya, the farmer Podgornaya Sloboda..., an excellent host and master of his craft, a wonderful carpenter."

In Pereslavl Kardovski I have written a lot of landscapes and portraits of inhabitants of the city. "A favorite place for sketches was his Rybatskaya Sloboda... Dmitri loved this primordial, ancestral Russia. It can be found c in an easel or a sketchbook in front of some red-bearded or Chernogorovym inhabitants of the Fishing settlement or anywhere in its nooks and crannies... He valued characteristic of people's faces, tired hands. It was evident that he thinks and feels with his people, that they understand each other." People were drawn to the house Kardovsky, "because its inhabitants were never let down, they were able even in the most difficult times lighting around the fire quest, art and beauty."

Pereslavl associated with the last years of his life Dmitry Nikolayevich. Here he died on 9 Feb 1943 and was buried at the Museum in which creation took an active part.

The Works Of D. N. Kardovsky was exhibited at many exhibitions in our country and abroad (Florence - 1922, new York 1924 and 1929, Los Angeles and Paris - 1925, London and Philadelphia, 1934, Berlin - 1955 and 1964, etc.). Personal exhibitions took place in Moscow in 1938 and 1953, in Leningrad in 1953 and 1967.

Today the name kardovskogo is a picture gallery of the Museum, the House of creativity of artists, opened in 1956 in the house Kardovsky transferred to the Union of artists of the daughter of Dmitry Kozak, Ekaterina Dmitrievna. Filename Kardovsky named street of the city, the Society of painters and sculptors. Thus, the grateful descendants perpetuated the memory of one of the most remarkable natives of the ancient Pereslavl land.

N.. Seliverstova