Iosifovich Kiplik

Russia • 1865−1942

Painter, teacher. After graduating from Petersburg. OH (1892). Participant of exhibitions from 1892. From 1910 he taught at the Academy, 1923-42 Professor of Leningrad. VKHUTEMAS - ARTS IN LENINGRAD. Author of genre paintings and portraits. Died in besieged Leningrad.

He studied at the Academy of Arts from 1884 to 1892 G. co-student of I. E. Repin. Received medals: in 1886 - 2 silver; in 1887 - 2 silver; in 1892 the title of class artist. (Kondakov)

D. I. Kiplik uchastvoval in the conversion of the estate Gireev and paintings of the Church of the Saviour in 1895-1905 he was a Professor at the Institute of painting and architecture named after I. E. Repin in St. Petersburg. In 1959, published his book “painting Technique”.

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