Ivanovna Klyushkina

Russia • nació en 1918

Born on 17 may 1919 in the village Poncino vyaznikovskogo district of Ivanovo-Voznesensk province. The younger sister of S. I. Guseva (Gluskinas). In 1938 he graduated from the Palekh art College, Department of painting on porcelain. Teacher - N.M.Zinoviev, A. V. Kotuhin, I. P. Vakurov, D. N. Butorin. In 1938-1941, he worked for the Dulevo porcelain factory. In 1942-1949 he worked in the Palekh partnership hudozhestv. In 1963-1972 he worked as an artist painting on fabrics in a textile factory No. 2 in Ivanovo.

Engaged in painting of porcelain. Themes of works: folklore, literature, genre scenes. Participant of exhibitions since 1946. F. I. Gluskinas are stored in museums: gmpi, PIM, Ivanovo OC.

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