Nikolayevich Konstantinov

Russia • nació en 1970

Biografía e información

Born in 1970 in D. Finger Bologovsky district of the Tver region; lives and works in the city of Udomlya of the Tver region, an Illustrator of books (on history, military history direction).

"The main theme of a graphic artist Leonid Konstantinov – Russian history. How rare now in the exhibition halls of the Russian cities can be seen as a popular and traditional genre of visual art. Now in art there are such thing as a "commercial interest" and fashion. Now it's hard to be national artist, to emphasize their belonging to the Russian People, its history and culture. Behind 37-year-old artist 77 exhibitions. He is the winner of exhibitions in Moscow and Tver. For Leonid Konstantinova no provincial history because the history of each region of Russia is part of the great thousand-year epic of the Russian People".

Themes of Russian history, on which he worked and the painter Leonid Nikolaevich Konstantinov:

1. 1990 to 2001 – "the History of the Tver Principality. Grand Duke Mikhail Yaroslavich in Tver".

2. 2001-2005 – "the Great Patriotic war of 1941-1945."

3. 2003-2004 – "name in the history of the Udomlya edge" (a cycle of works devoted to outstanding personalities from different times that have ever lived and worked in Udomlya the ground – A. Arakcheev, D. Mendeleev, about Forty, A. Popov, etc.).

4. 2005 – "name in the history of Bologovsky edge" (a cycle of graphic works for Bologovskiy the Museum).

5. 2004-2005 – "On the Manchurian hills" (to the centenary of the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905)

6. 2006 – "journey to the East Tien Shan and Nian-Shan 1893-1895" (to the 150th anniversary of a Russian traveler V. I. Roborovskogo).

7. 2006 – "Scenes of the time of Troubles" (the history of Pometia in the early seventeenth century).

Has illustrated over 50 books on the history of the Fatherland.

Leonid Nikolaevich Konstantinov was born in 1970 in paltsevo Bologovsky district of the Kalinin region. He graduated from the local secondary school and radio school in the regional center. After graduation for three years he served in the army in the Turkestan military district, where he began self-taught to draw. Then he returned to his native place. Tried several occupations, but was called one art, graphics, name, history, and Mikhail of Tver. In 1994, Leonid first showed his work in Moscow one-day exhibition in the Tver College-College culture. They attracted the attention of the public and the press. In 1998, Konstantinov enrolled at this school, the Department “Art and crafts”, where he studied and at the present time. He'll find his way in art, a way of expression and attract key moments of history, the times that forged the national character of the people, its military spirit. As a youth, Leonid saw war face to face, and he was destined to forever see the world through the eyes of a soldier and measure values measure of courage and honor. Konstantinov works in the genres of historical paintings and book illustrations, preferring graphic art ink and pencil. The basis of his compositions lie serious work with historical sources, literature and publications on the history of material culture. “Cases of bygone days, legends of olden times”, the artist translates the language of the Chronicles and contemporary sources on the language of visual images – the concrete realities of human bodies, movements, feelings, characters. He is interested in, above all, the war – Battle.

The extreme intensity of interests and passions, when price becomes life and death. The magic of collective action and common will of the commander, in whose hands the sword which his father's banner. For him homeland, means the right to live “naichau ancestors.” This is the main thing that creates noise and fury of battle. A rare advantage of the works of L. Konstantinov – the ability to transfer the heat of battle, his fiery breath and rapid mobility. Admirable wealth of the author's imagination and a variety of composite solutions. Characters graphic sheets, no extras, not mannequins, but real people with individual destinies and characters. They believe their feelings are shared. Occurs a rare sense of belonging – and it is also undoubted success of the artist. This also applies to master image creativity L. Konstantinov Mikhail, Prince of Tver. And defenders of Rzhev in the graphic composition “I was killed near Rzhev”, and the defenders of the Motherland in the struggle against the hordes of Mamaia, Napoleon and Hitler in the triptych of black-and-white oil “Glorious sons of the Fatherland”, dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Victory.

Leonid Konstantinov is a fellow of the Committee for culture of the Tver region, participates in the regional exhibition “Glorious sons of the Fatherland.” He has prepared illustrations for two editions of the society of Michael of Tver to the book by G. Ponomareva “Baranivska battle” and A. Valdai “chronicle line”.

Combining education in the Tver College-College culture, and independent creative endeavors, L. Konstantinov became a notable phenomenon among young artists in Tver region.