Ivanovich Makeev

Russia • nació en 1924

People's artist of Russia. Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Born in 1924 in the village of Ivlev Moscow region. In 1956 graduated from the Moscow state art Institute. VI Surikov in the Studio of book graphics at B. degtereva, E. A. Kibrik. In addition to working with publishing houses in Moscow was engaged in easel graphics and painting.

The works by V. I. Makeeva art exhibitions of the 1960s-1970s will remember the sharpness of innovative composite solutions.

The work of V. I. Makeev has been award-winning. He was awarded 2nd international prize (1989), he was awarded a silver medal. B. M. Grekov. His works are in private galleries of England, France, Germany, USA.

People's artist of the Russian Federation, Honored worker of arts of RSFSR. A member of the Union of artists of the USSR since 1963.

Born in 1924 in the village of Ivlev Volokolamsky district, Moscow region. VOV. In 1950, Makeev finished art Studio for invalids of the great Patriotic war. In 1956 he graduated from Moscow state art Institute. VI Surikov in the Studio of book graphics at B. degtereva, E. A. Kibrik. By this time Victor Makeev - a constant participant of Moscow, all-Russia and foreign exhibitions. In addition to working with publishing houses in Moscow, he is engaged in easel graphics and painting. In 50-ies – 60-ies he created illustrations for books: "Early stories by Maxim Gorky, Pavlov's House" by L. Saveliev, "Stories about the Russian feat" S. Alekseeva. In the 1960s and 1970s, V. I., Makeev creates such symbolic work as "Movement", "Red sky" and "Eternal beauty." The artist often traveled abroad, bringing experience to a new series: "Paris Cathedral", "a Florentine story", "Suburb of Paris", "Warsaw".

Makeev Viktor Ivanovich - the Chairman of the Commission of veterans of the Moscow Union of artists, member of the expert Council of the Central Museum of the great Patriotic war.

The work of V. I. Makeev has been award-winning. He was awarded 2nd international prize (1989), he was awarded a Silver medal. B. M. Grekov. The artist's works are in many museums around the country, including the State Tretyakov gallery and in private collections in Russia, UK, Germany, USA, France, Japan.

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