Yegorovich Meyer

Russia • 1822−1867

Biografía e información

He was one of the pioneers in the imprint colors on the canvas of the beauty of Siberia. In 1839 he became volnoprihodyaschim student of the Imperial Academy of arts. In 1844 he received a large silver medal for two landscapes with extraordinary for those times, artistic types: the Chain of mountains of Sabina Ola valley and the river Alash in the Chinese province Oloti and the Gorge of Karasu near the Chinese border. In 1845, the Academy was a rare event: the Academy of arts graduate Egor Meyer, received a gold medal and the title of the artist XIV class, for the painting "the Source, flowing in the forest", and was awarded the right to a pensioner's trip abroad, where he served in 1846. However, to use these six years to stay and work in Europe E. E. Meyer did not. Three years later he returned to Russia and uses the remaining pensionerstvo for travel on the southern outskirts of the country. A lot of work and skilful, because in 1853 for one of the decent films South loop — the "Mountain gorge" — he was awarded the title of academician. Subsequent notable events in General short life of E. E. Meyer began his great journey to Siberia, which he visited with artistic purpose. This Danish artist's paintings are coveted items in the collections of many Russian museums.

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