Honored artist of Russia, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of ARTS., Associate Professor of painting of art-graphic faculty MGPI., Since 1995. – Chairman of the show Commission of the Ministry of agriculture.
Works Surovtseva A. P. are in the state Tretyakov gallery, the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, in many museums of Russia and abroad.
Painter. In 1945-1951 he studied at mshsh.. In the years 1952-1958 at the Moscow art Institute named after V. I. Surikov.
In 1962-1982 he was a Professor of drawing art-graphic faculty of the Moscow pedagogical Institute and chief artist of the picturesque plant (from 1975 to 1982).
Among the main works: "Winter in Moscow" (1984), "landscape with the Russian architecture" (1985), "Late autumn" (1986), "Trade rows in Kostroma" (1987), "the Monastery" (1988), "an Autumn morning. Zaraysk" (1989). "Blue landscape" (1990), "Arbat twilight" (1995), "Farewell" (1997), "Memories of krivoarbatskiy" (1998), "Solitaire" (1999), "market day" (2000), "Mikhail Bulgakov on the Old Arbat" (2001), a series of paintings on the Arbat" (2002-2004).
In 1997 the prize of Moscow.
Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of ARTS (2001). A member of the artists Union of the USSR (1962). Honored artist of the RSFSR (1982). In 1988-1992 – Secretary of the Board of the USSR Union.