Alexandrovna Tutevol

Russia • 1917−1980

She was born in 1917. in Ukraine in the city of Borzna of the Chernigov province.

In 1938. graduated from the Irkutsk ecopedagogics College. In the same year he entered the Moscow state art Institute im.Surikov, where he studied with A. A. Deineka, A. Lentulov, N. P. Ulyanov at the faculty of painting.

In 1948. graduated from Moscow state art Institute with honors at the Studio of A. A. Deineka. Was his favorite student.

The last course, and some time after graduation with A. A. Deineka taught painting and drawing at the Moscow Institute of applied and decorative arts. After the end of the MGHI also worked at the art workshops of the expert construction of the Palace of Soviets as a muralist and since that time, devotes himself to decorative and monumental art. 1948. she is constantly working to Combine decorative design and decorative art.

From 1965 to 1967, teaches drawing in MITHU (Stroganov school).

Since 1967, he teaches at MCHI them.Surikov as a head of personal Studio of monumental painting, where he received the title of Professor of monumental art.

In 1975 her the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR was awarded the title "Honored artist of the RSFSR".

Most famous works: the ceiling of the auditorium of the Opera house in Kiev, the Plafond of the auditorium theater.Abay in Alma-ATA, the mosaic on the building of Institute of physical culture in Moscow.

K. A. Tutevol – participant of all without exception of the post-war all-Union exhibitions, participant of International exhibition in Brussels in 1958, the Venice Biennale in 1968, the exhibition dedicated to the International Congress of Women held in Helsinki in 1969

Since 1952 K. A. Tutevol – member of the Board of Moscow Union of artists.

Since 1972 – member of the procurement Committee of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Paintings and drawings of K. A. Tutevol are in private collections in Russia, England, France, Germany, Italy, Finland and the United States.

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