Tevelevich Khazanov

Russia • 1906−1980

(27.VI.1906, Smolensk – 29.III.1980, Moscow), painter. Initial art education has received in Smolensk in the art Studio of Proletkult, where he taught Stranih V., N. Jablonski, C. Stefano, B. Rybchenkov. In 1923, together with K. Dorokhov entered the Moscow VKhUTEMAS (learns from R. Falk, A. Shevchenko). The success of the young artist brought his portrait of a violinist Liza Director's (1937, Tretyakov gallery), included in the Golden Fund of Soviet art. H. – a bright representative of the Moscow school of painting. The main genres of his work – portraits and still lives. Your talent and experience H. passed youth. In the Smolensk Museum has several works by the artist-countryman, and among them his self-portrait.

Lit.: Dorokhov, K. G., Notes of the artist. – M., 1974. – S. 19, 23, 24, 71; Moscow artist, 1980, may 23.

(the author - L. M. Kozikova)

Taught painting and drawing at the Moscow polygraphic Institute.

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