Georgievna Khotemova

Russia • 1915−1980

Biografía e información

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

1915. Born in the village of the Vector of Priluzsky district of the Komi ASSR.

1924. Hotelowych family moved to Novosibirsk.

1932. Received seven years ' education.

from 1933 to 1938. He studied at the Omsk art school. M. A. Vrubel, from which he graduated with honors and was sent to continue his art education in Moscow.

from 1939 to 1941. Studied at Moscow State art Institute. V. I. Surikov, the workshop of I. E. Grabar.

1941. Began working as a painter at the Executive Committee of people's Deputies of Frunzensky district (ul Kropotkina).

1945. He was awarded the medal "For defense of Moscow".

1947. The beginning of creative activity, participation in art exhibitions in Moscow, is an artist of Works of pictorial Art.

1948. Awarded the medal "memory of the 800 anniversary of Moscow".

1950. Creative business in the republics of the Soviet Union, participation in all-Union exhibitions.

1951. Awarded the medal "For valiant labor in the great Patriotic War 1941 – 1945".

from 1951 to 1957. Work under the contracts.

1953 - participant of the exhibition of 150 artists of Moscow.

1957. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

1957. Awarded the medal "For labour valour", in the same year participated in all-Union art exhibition dedicated to the world festival, with the work of "Messenger of Peace", which ball acquired by the Museum in the Komi ASSR.

1960. Ride a specialized group of the House of Friendship with Foreign Countries to the countries of Ghana, Togo, Liberia.

1961. Permanent participant of art exhibitions to the "African liberation Day".

1962. Solo exhibition at the University of friendship of peoples. Lumumba, as this year is a Board member of the Association of friendship with African peoples.

1963. On a trip to Ghana, Dahomey, Niger, Togo, Chad.

from 1964 to 1965. Participation in art exhibitions on the theme "Africa struggles" in the House of friendship of foreign countries, the House of scientists, the House of workers of arts (tsdri).

1965. Creative trip to Dagestan (to gather material for the jubilee exhibition).

1967. On a trip to Mali, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Benin, Cameroon, Nigeria.

1970. Participation in all-Union exhibition in Manege.

1970. An exhibition of graphic works of the Soviet Peace Committee, 20 graphic works were donated to the Fund for the Liberation of Angela Davis.

1972. Exhibition of graphic works in Cameroon for the world exhibition of books about African countries.

1972. Personal exhibition in the House of Friendship and cultural relations with foreign countries "Hello Africa".

1973. Participation in the world Congress of peace forces in Moscow.

1975. Awarded the jubilee medal "30 years of victory in the great Patriotic War 1941 – 1945".

1978. Personal exhibition, dedicated to the Liberation of Africa. Awarded the Honorary diploma of Yuri Gagarin.

1979. Participant of art exhibitions devoted to the 20 ment of the Association of Friendship with African peoples.

1984. Posthumous group exhibition of Women artists of Moscow, the Kuznetsk bridge.