Moiseevna Zhukhovicher

Russia • nació en 1956

Biografía e información

8.10.1956 - was born in Moscow.

1974 - 1978 - restoration Department of the Moscow art school of Memory of 1905

(His teachers considered outstanding teacher of Nicholas Rotanova, artist Ilya Tabenkina and my dead friend artist Nina Vedeneeva)

From 1987 - member of the youth section of the Moscow Union of artists, since 1995. member of the graphic section of the Union.

1995-1997 founder and Director of the Jewish Fund for the encouragement of arts

Since 2005 curator of the gallery, "Esther", the Moscow Jewish community house.

2007 - residence “Cite des Arts”, Paris, France.

Painter, graphic artist.

Group exhibitions:

1986, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992 Moscow and all-Union youth exhibition, Moscow.

1986, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1992 autumn graphics exhibition, Moscow.

1992 "Introduction", Central House Of Artists, Moscow.

1993 "Artists of Russia", gallery "SART", Central House of Artist. Moscow

1994 "Das ewig Weibliche", gallery "Raissa", Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany.

1996 "A Woman's View", The World Bank, Washington, USA.

1996 "High resolution", Central House of artists, Moscow.

1996 "Die Kraft der Stille", the Museum of modern art in Hildesheim, Germany.

1996 "Art-Kontor", the Museum of modern art, Frankfurt, Germany.

1997 4th International print Biennal “Bharat Bhavan”, Bhopal, India.

1997 “I wanted to tell the artist”, Central House of artists, Moscow.

1998 2nd International triennial of graphic art, Labyrinth, Prague, Czech Republic.

2000, 2001 "Pastel, watercolor", Association "the Circle", the Central House of artists, Moscow.

2000, 2001, 2004 "the festival of the Jewish book", gallery "na Solyanke", Moscow.

2002 "Watercolor and time. XX century", gallery "Kovcheg", Moscow.

2002 "Palaces, roads, cities", gallery IFA, SPb.

2003 Art-Manege, Manege, Moscow.

Start 2004, Strasbourg, France.

2004 "the inner circle. (After the Great fire)". Contemporary art center MARS, Moscow.

2007 "Coordinates". The Kostroma art Museum - reserve, Kostroma.

2008 "Central Asia, Moscow, Jerusalem", GMV, Moscow.

Exhibition of the group "Bush": (N. Vedeneeva (posthumously), E. Ginsburg, I. Gerus, L. Juhovichi, K. Mamonov, A. Neyman, Y. Ryzhik, L. Saxon.

1993 Central House Of Artists, Moscow;

1995 in Vitebsk art Museum, Vitebsk, Belarus;

1996 gallery "A-3", Moscow;

1997 gallery "Kovcheg", Moscow;

Participation in workshops:

1994 1st international plein air Chagall in Vitebsk, Belarus.

1996 1st international plein air and exhibition "Moscow-Jerusalem", Central House of artists, Moscow. 1997 2nd international plein air "Saint-Petersburg-Jerusalem" and the exhibition "Dialogues", the Manege, Saint-Petersburg.

1999 4th international open air Ghetto in Beit Ha-Getat and exhibition in Museum of Russian and Eastern art, Ramat-Gan, Israel.

Personal exhibitions:

1995 barn theatre, Wilmar, mn, USA.

1995 Jewish Community Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

1999 Marc Chagall Museum, Vitebsk, Belarus.

2005 Marc Chagall Museum, Vitebsk, Belarus.

2005 Gallery "ester", MED, Moscow.

2006 "Russian gallery", Tallinn, Estonia

2006 Gallery "OGI", Moscow

2008 Exhibition hall of "Our Heritage", Moscow


Gosudarstvenny Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin, Moscow;

The Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation;

Art Museum, Vitebsk, Belarus; Marc Chagall Museum, Vitebsk, Belarus;

The Museum "New Jerusalem", Istra;

Museum Of Art Of Oriental Peoples, Moscow,

as well as private collections in Holland, Denmark, France, Italy, USA, Russia, etc.


"The artist", № 5, 1988.

“Das ewig Weibliche”, galerie Raissa, booklet, Erfurt, Germany, 1994.

“1 International Plain Air on Painting Named after M. Chagall”, an album - catalog, Minsk, 1994,

"Moscow artist" № 29-30, 1994.

V. Chaykovskaya "Closer to the face." "Literaturnaya Gazeta" №12, 1955.

"Jewish artists of Russia", Moscow, 1996, Album.

"Grapheon", Prague, 1996.

“A Woman's View” World Bank Staff Art Society, Washington. 1996,

The Fourth Bart Haven International Biennial of Prints. Directory, 1997, Bhopal, India.

"Inter-kontakt-grafik 98" Prague, Czech Republic.

V. Chaykovskaya "Surprise In Paris", Moscow, 1999.

L. Vakar "a Generous gift" "Mastactva" No. 4, 2000, Minsk, "mishpoha" No. 8, 2000, Vitebsk.

"Private collection Irina's Stitch", Moscow, 2001.

Art-Manezh 2003, Moscow.

“Love Juhovichi” the Marc Chagall Museum, booklet, 2005.

L. Vakar "Images of a cloud", Bulletin of the Museum of Marc Chagall, Issue 13, Vitebsk, 2005

Yuri Gerchuk, "Creativity Luba's Juhovichi", the collection Parallels, Moscow, 2005

"Artography", album, "ART-MANEGE", Moscow, 2007

Russian gallery, album, Tallinn, Estonia, 2008

"Coordinates", catalog, Kostroma arts. the Museum – reserve, 2007

"I will gather..." (From the collection of Inna Kovalska), the album, "Our Heritage", Moscow, 2008

N. Gapchinska "Central Asia, Moscow, Jerusalem in the works of Jewish artists", catalog, GMV,

Moscow, 2008