Semenovich Svarog (Korochkin)

Russia • 1883−1948

He studied at the Center. Uch-school tehn. drawing (Petersburg, 1896-1900) A. Novoskoltsev, N. Koshelev, P. Dolgov, V. Savinsky. Since 1902 participated in exhibitions. A member of about tions AHRR (1924-28), "Ob-VA im. Kuindzhi" (1927-28). One of the organizers and first hand. Studio of military artists to them.Grekova in Moscow. Portraits, genre scenes ("Portrait", 1913; "Portrait of mother", 1916; "Volkhov", 1931; "Smolny in October," 1937; "members of the Politburo among children in Gorky Park", 1939; "Portrait of Vladimir Mayakovsky", 1940) and other works.

(1883, Staraya Russa – 1946, Moscow)

Thanks p. P. Chistyakov, the money collected on subscription sheet among the intellectuals of Staraya Russa, Vasily Kurochkin in 1895 entered the St. Petersburg art school of Baron Stieglitz, where he chose the pseudonym – the name of the Slavic pagan God Svarog.

Participant of exhibitions since 1902. One of the organizers and first leaders of the Studio of military artists to them. M. B. Grekova. Member of the Association of traveling art exhibitions (? – 1918), AHRR (1924 – 1928), Society. AIKuindzhi (1927 – 1928).

The most famous works of pre-revolutionary period associated with the posters

and coffee, mostly satirical, graphics.

In 1919, the artist returned to Staraya Russa, where he became the initiator of many cultural-educational work. In 1920 – 1930-e years in Moscow, SwarG publishes numerous drawings in Soviet publications, takes portraits

V. I. Lenin, I. V. Stalin, their closest associates, workers-workers displays a way of life

and the exploits of the red Army, traditional celebrations and festive meetings, creates compositions for industrial and collective stories.

In 1930-e years makes creative trip to the Turksib, Dneproges, Magnitogorsk, Volkhovstroy. During the war years is evacuated to Tbilisi and Samarkand.

Works of Svarog are stored in the state Tretyakov gallery, state Russian Museum, in many public art collections of Russia and neighboring countries. The name of the artist named art gallery in Staraya Russa.

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