Andreevich Shreiber

Ukraine • 1817−1900

Biografía e información

Since 1833 – an auditor student at the Academy of fine arts. Received medals: in 1838 – 2 silver; in 1839 – 2 gold – over "project at the theatre school". In the same year the title of artist XIV class and was awarded a sword; in 1842 recognized as "designated"; in 1846, the title of academician; in 1859 – Professor of architecture without program execution; in 1860, is recognized as honorary free member; in 1864 determined by the Professor of architecture Academy of fine arts; in 1895 he retired from the Academy of fine arts; in 1900 elected as an honorary member of the Academy. Worked for the resumption of the Winter Palace in 1838-1839 participated in the construction of St. Isaac's Cathedral.


Academician (1846), Professor (1864) of architecture. Artist-application engineer, watercolorist. Honorary free member (1860), honorary member (1900) OH. Lecturer (1869), Professor (1883), member of the Board (1872) OH. The architect of the Department of mining and salt Affairs (1848-1863), the Department of projects and estimates gups and PZ (1857). Participated in the creation of interiors of the Winter and the Mariinsky palaces, the construction and the decoration of St. Isaac's Cathedral. Inspector St. Isaac's Cathedral (1864). Built a mail station Preobrazhensk near Luga, factory buildings V. Behm in St. Petersburg.

1. The interiors of the mansion Montferrand. Neb. the Moika 86. 1845-1846. (Rebuilt).

2. Tenement building. Serpukhovskaya str., 30. Extension. 1863.

3. Tombstone N. Nekrasov at the Novodevichy cemetery. Moskovsky prospect, 100. 1881. SK. M. A. Chizhov.

Lit: Lit.: The memory of V. A. Schreiber // NS. 1900, N 7. P. 41-42.

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