Sergeyevich Kuznetsov

Russia • 1867−1942

Student of the Academy of arts from 1895 To 1897 – the title of artist-architect for the project: "Manor".


Born in the village of Poretskoe the province of Vladimir n Borisov district of the parish of the Mason-foreman Sergei Ivanovich Kuznetsov and his wife Zinoviev timofeevny (nee. Somova). In 1874, together with his family moved to okwu, where he studied at City College, and on Sundays in drawing classes.

In 16 years, held a competitive examination in the School of painting, sculpture and architecture of Moscow Art Society, which he entered and graduated first on a small silver medal in 1890 and finally in 1891 on the Large silver medal. Received the diploma of the cool artist with representation at this rank the rank of a class XIV with the right to produce buildings.

In the 1885-86 year entered the assistant to the architect Fyodor Osipovich Shekhtel, who spent five and a half years. After further education in Germany.

Returning, he entered the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg as an apprentice in the workshop of L. N. Benoit.

In November of 1897 awarded the title of Artist-Architect with right to chin's class at receipt on public service and giving to make buildings. Received the diploma of the 875 and the right to bear the academic sign.

In 1900, Ivan Sergeevich married Nadezhda Konstantinovna Lutugino. Six children were born, two died young. Left four: Sergey (1900.), Alexander (1903), Michael (1906), Zenobia (1908).

Sanatorium "Gulripsh-2" in the area of Sukhumi built in 1914 Kuznetsov to order Smackage (later the sanatorium. Lenin).

In 1935 he entered into an employment agreement with the Management of the Affairs of narkomtyazhprom for the design and the architectural design of the sanatorium in Sochi.

Genre range of the architect is extremely diverse, he built mansions and villas, apartment houses and administrative buildings, churches and hospices, educational institutions, hospitals and sanatoriums. As none of his contemporaries, he is very much engaged in industrial architecture. Only in the period of 1914-1917 they were built several military factories, which included more than 1000 buildings. They constructed the building of the school. Medvednikova in Starokonyushenny lane, Savvinskaya monastery on the Tverskaya, the administrative centre "Delovoy Dvor" on the square of the gate of St. Barbara, Church tesino in the province of Kostroma, the Church in the village of Plešivec Poltava province to this day remain outstanding facilities, without which no cost, no publication on the history of Russian architecture.

From 17 September to 12 December 1997 in the State Museum of Architecture named after A. B. Schusev hosted the exhibition "Artist and architect Ivan Sergeyevich Kuznetsov", dedicated to the 130th anniversary of his birth.

Died Ivan Sergeevich 3 Jul 1942 in Moscow, buried at the Vvedenskoye cemetery.

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