Ivanovich Sauerweid

Russia • 1783−1844

Biografía e información

The founder of the Russian academic school of battle painting of the first half of the NINETEENTH century Teacher who educated famous artists B. Villevalde, A. Kotzebue, W. Timm, P. Fedotov. Born in St. Petersburg. He studied at St. Petersburg Academy of arts (1790 – 1798), from which he graduated with a gold medal. In 1806 – 1811 he studied at the Dresden Academy of arts. In 1811 – 1814 he lived and worked in Dresden and Paris, where as a talented draftsman and engraver was close to the court of Napoleon I. In 1817 went to St. Petersburg at the invitation of Alexander I. Court painter, he taught drawing and engraving of Nicholas I and Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich. In 1825 he became the first war artist of the General staff. Since 1831 he taught at the Academy. Since 1836 – Professor of the 3rd degree, from 1842 – Professor of the 2nd degree. Works are kept in museums of Russia and Europe.

Life, and therefore creativity, Alexander Ivanovich Sauerweid was full of interesting events. So, in 1831, by the time the well-known painter, draftsman and printmaker, received the Academy of arts unusual offer — to lead as a Professor of the painting class of animals for battle and other types of painting. Note that the proposal had a history, because in 1812, young artist living in Dresden, executed in oil a number of images of horses by order of Napoleon.

A graduate of the Academy of Sciences (1790-1798), A. Sauerweid tied his life with fine art. Received basic professional education at the Academy of fine arts Dresden (1806-1812). A tendency to battle painting quite successfully launched for a young painter in Paris (1812-1812) and London (1814-1817), when a picture of "the Capture of Paris", "Battle of Waterloo", "Alexander I and count Platov at the parade in Hyde Park in 1815". Later numerous drawings, etchings and paintings of the artist only increased his fame and recognition.

A. I. Sauerweid acquainted with the art of engraving of Emperor Nicholas I and Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich. In 1827, for special services to the domestic arts was elected an honorary free member of the Academy of arts. As Professor of the Academy has trained many students — future domestic famous battle.