Lvovich Rabinovich

Russia • 1905−1988

Thesis in the CVC - "Materinstvo". Training (1923-1927) was held at the sculpture faculty. Awarded the title of artist-sculptor.

Born in Odessa, studied at the architectural Department of the Odessa art Institute. In 1922, arriving in Petrograd, he entered the Academy of arts in the workshop of A. T. Matveev. During the study, despite the strong opposition of the leader of the workshop, look to Filonov. In 1924 or 1925 in one of the works ("the Sitting model") was first used filanovskii techniques. Graduated from the College in 1926, One of the authors of polychrome relief of "the Overthrow of the bourgeoisie". In the process of working with Filonov came to the conclusion that "filonovsky principle "from the particular to the General" does not apply to sculpture, focuses on the surface, while in the plastic form in the volume develops from the depths. "The hole" leads to academism" [356, L. 87]. However, according to the sculptor, communication with Filonov, studying his method has had on him, no doubt, a beneficial effect. Stayed in the team MAI for about a year. At the end of 1927 he went to Paris, where he lived for almost twelve years, was familiar and worked with famous French artists and sculptors — the Louvre, housing the despiau, etc. At the end of 1938 returned to the USSR, worked on building a House Tips in Moshe etc. After the war more than thirty years he taught at the Moscow Stroganov school.

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