Mikhailovich Kurkin

Russia • nació en 1916

Biografía e información

Born on November 24 (December 7) in 1916 on a farm sibileva the Rostov province. Member of the Union of artists of Russian Federation since 1950. Graduated from seven years of school and school FZU. From 1935 through 1940 he studied at the Palekh art school. Teacher - D. N. Butorin, A. V. Kotuhin, I. I. Zubkov, N. M.Parilov. In 1940-1941 he worked in the Association of Palekh artists. The participant of the great Patriotic war from 1941. In 1945-1976 worked Tovarishestvo (1954 - Palekh art-production workshops).

Was engaged in monumental painting, theatrical-decorative art (the design of the Opera "the Golden Cockerel" for the Saratov theater of Opera and ballet. N. G.Chernyshevsky (1946-1947), the ballet "the Tale about dead Princess" for the Leningrad academic Maly Opera theatre (1949), spectacle "Red dyavolyata" Moscow drama theatre. N. In.Gogol (1960-1961) under the direction of N. M.Parilova), painted furniture, book illustrations (albums "the Tale of Tsar Saltan" (1972), "Russian folk tales", "Bravely we go into battle"). Themes of works: folklore, history, literature, genre scenes, Red Army, space exploration. Participated in exhibitions since 1955.

A. M. Kurkina are stored in museums: gmpi, GRM, MNI, Umgeni, OC Ivanovo, Ivanovo, OKM, DEM CMS, the Museum of the Pushkin House, the Memorial Museum of M. V. Frunze (Shuya), HF Russia.