Florentinovich Orzheshko

Russia • 1876−1917

Student of the Academy of arts from 1896 4 may 1902 – the title of artist-architect for the project: "the Synodal metochion in the capital."


Born July 9, 1876, in the city of Tomsk died after 1917 he Graduated from the Higher art school of the Academy of arts in 1902 (class of L. N. Benoit).

In 1902 returned to Tomsk, where he is engaged mainly in private practice and teaching in the technological Institute.

In Tomsk, according to his projects built: the memorial chapel at the cemetery of the Alekseevsky monastery (1903, not preserved), printing house "the Siberian Association of printing" (1906-1908 gg.), a private wooden house (1911), hospice Kalinova-Shulaeva (with T. L. Fishel, 1911-1912), Machinenpistole school (together with L. S. Knyazev, 1911-1913), a leather factory of the trading house "Golovanov and G. Xia" (project 1913), etc. remained Unfulfilled, its project labor exchange (1910) and the state Bank (1914) in Tomsk.

Participated in architectural competitions: the building of the historical Museum in St. Petersburg in 1908 (jointly with A. D. by Crackower, 4 prize), theatre in Yaroslavl in 1908 (jointly with A. D. by Crackower, 3rd prize), the people's house in Tomsk in 1910 (2nd prize), commercial buildings in Omsk in 1912 (2nd prize), the railway administration building in Omsk in 1912 (1st prize).

From 1905 to 1914 he taught at the Tomsk technological Institute, where in 1907 he was sent to the creative assignment (Italy, Germany, France).

(Was the associate trace, Cand. architecture V. G. Zalesov)

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