Nikolaevich Tkachenko

Ukraine • 1923−2002

Biografía e información

The participant of the great Patriotic war. Was wounded in 1944. In 1949 he arrived in Odessa, he entered the Odessa art College named. Grekova (graduated in 1954, he studied at M. Todorov, L. Muchnik.), which opens up the world of impressionism. This southern city has given the artist a sense and understanding of the extraordinary importance of the condition of the air, its transparency, and taught him to pay attention to details, giving the paintings the vividness and accuracy. Lived and worked in Odessa and Kiev. Author of lyrical landscapes, portraits. Works are kept in private collections, Museum collections.

Born Eugene Tkachenko in 1923.

In 1944, when after the Korsun-Shevchenko battle saw heavy fighting at the destruction of scattered enemy forces, and was prepared largely decisive offensive of the 1st and 2nd Ukrainian fronts, Evgeny Tkachenko was seriously wounded. After the course of treatment at an evacuation hospital, Tkachenko returns home and enrolls in pedagogical Institute, after which a short time working as a school teacher. But the desire to be an artist never left him, he wrote sketches from nature, visiting the painting Studio and decides to change his life, preparing to enter the Odessa art College.

In 1949 Eugene is sent to Odessa.

In 1954, the artist finishes the Odessa school. Grekova, which opens the world of impressionism.