Antonovich Moldavian

Ukraine • 1810−1855

Biografía e información

A foreign student of the Academy of Arts, studied under P. V. basin . In 1836, received from the Academy of Arts medal for software picture: "Noah, establishing the construction of the ark", in the same year received a certificate of the 1st degree and was left with OH for 3 years for improvement. In 1843, recognized as "designated"; in 1846, the title of academician for "portrait of a inspector AH G. Krutova". He was a draftsman during the construction of St. Isaac's Cathedral. For a portrait Krutova (in the Museum of the Academy of Arts, 1846), academician. Other portrait works of the Moldavian performed them, for the most part, in small size, more famous portrait of the artist M. N. Vorobyov and pencil portraits in the Tretyakov gallery (F. I. count Tolstoy) and P. M. Romanova, in Petrograd.

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