Nikolaevich Popov

Russia • 1869−1945

Painter. Honored. worker of arts of the Karelian ASSR (1939). Nar. artist of the Lithuanian SSR (1944). He graduated from St. Petersburg Academy of arts (1898). Participant of exhibitions: Leningrad artists in Moscow (1935, 1941), artists of Karelia in Moscow (1951) and Leningrad (1937, 1972) and artists ed. resp. Russia, Moscow (1971), artists of Karelia (1944), vseros. (XI exhibition AHRR, 1929), proceedings of all-Union. (1946), abroad. – in Finland (1966, 1969), the GDR (1983). Solo exhibition (Petrozavodsk, 1966).

The work of P. – the Museum will depict. art Resp. Karelia, Kraeved. the Museum REP. Karelia.

(Source: encyclopedia)

Artist, founder of realistic professional painting in Karelia, the student of I. E. Repin.

Born July 27, 1869, in the Perm province. In 1891 he entered the Higher art school at St. Petersburg Academy of arts, after graduation he trained in the Studio of I. E. Repin.

Thesis V. N. Popova "Nailed" (Sailing boat) was acquired by the Museum of the Kazan art school. The picture is "textile", written under the guidance of I. Repin, in 1898, demonstrated at exhibitions in Moscow in 1901 in Munich, in 1904 - in San-Louis (France) and received international recognition.

In 1911, V. N. Popov is the first visit to Karelia and from then on his work is inextricably linked with our region.

The spring exhibition, 1912 in St.-Petersburg the picture "Waterfall Kivach", a reproduction of which is kept in the National archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan (currently the location of the picture is not known, the sketches for it are stored in the Karelian state Museum of Kazakhstan).

This painting marked the beginning of the Karelian theme in the artist's work. In 1914 at the exhibition in St. Petersburg exhibited the picture Popova "the Karelian bride," followed by a picture Karelka. In 1915, by order of the Academy of Sciences of the artist paints a portrait of a native of Karelia, Professor of Moscow University F. F. Fortunatov.

In 1919, V. N. The priests finally moved to permanent residence in the city of Petrozavodsk. Here, along with painting, he continues his pedagogical activity started in St. Petersburg.

About this period of the artist's life fully demonstrate the documents of the National archive of the RK.

From 1919 to 1921 he was a teacher, and from April 1920 the Director of the first art schools in Karelia, which was called the Petrozavodsk art school-workshop.

In school were taught the basics of painting, history of art, conducted a sketchy landscape works, organized excursions to the museums of Petrograd.

V. N. Popov was personally conducted work on the study of folk crafts of the region, as evidenced by the report, compiled by the artist about his trip to the village of Shuya.

The school opened the way in the art such now-famous artists as A. Karablin, the first national scholarship of the Republic of Karelia in the Academy of fine arts, M. Makar, one of the organizers of the Karelian branch of Union of artists, A. Mitrofanov, the architect of Petrozavodsk, etc.

About 15 years V. N. Popov was a teacher of drawing in the Russian pedagogical College of Petrozavodsk. His creative attitude to the teaching of the beloved object indicates the Protocol of the faculty of arts of the College on October 27, 1922, in which it is written about the development of VN.Popov program teaching drawing in the school.

From 1936 to 1941 V. N. The priests taught drawing and painting at art school, organized at the Central house of culture in Petrozavodsk.

The Studio has trained many artists of Karelia. Among them: people's artist of the RSFSR S. H. Juntunen, art historian T. A. Hakkarainen, artist K. L. Butorov, etc.

The pedagogical activity of V. N. Popov skilfully combined with the creativity of the artist. In 1921 was a success with the exhibition of works by students of Petrozavodsk art school and its teachers, V. N. A. Y. Popova and Andrianova, in 1928 the first personal exhibition of Vladimir Popov in Petrozavodsk.

In 1937, during the decade of the Karelian art in Leningrad, as reported by the Newspapers of the time, of particular interest among the visitors caused the paintings V. N. Popov.

In the same year appeared one of the best works of V. N. Popova "Autumn in Karelia", which was exhibited at the personal exhibition of the artist, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of his creative activity.

Talented realist painter V. N. Popov wrote a number of paintings on historical and military topics. In the National archive of the RK, there are reproductions of paintings: "the Meeting of the Bolshevik cell of the Alexander factory" and "Border."

The archive contains letters from V. N. Popov painted by the artist to his friends V. M. Agapov and E. M. Lavrinenko in 1942-1943, where he wrote about his loneliness, despair, hunger, grieved the death of their comrades and friends, reported the known information on the work of artists of Karelia during the war.

Multifaceted creativity of the artist-realist V. N. Popov was highly appreciated in our region. At the request of the Karelian branch of the Union of Soviet artists V. N. Popov in 1939 was awarded the title of honored art worker of the Karelian ASSR.

In 1944 he became the first national artist of the Republic.

A picture of V. N. Popova died in the war. The remaining stored mainly in the Museum of fine arts of the Republic of Karelia and in the Karelian state Museum. In the National archives of the preserved reproduction performed by photographers Ankudinov A., V. Ivanov, and V. Kotov.

The archive contains also a reproduction portrait of V. N. Popov painted by the artist G. A. strencom in 1940, the portrait has an autograph V. N. Popova, put them in approval drawing.

The Name Of V. N. Popova remember in our Republic today. This is evidenced by the numerous catalogues of paintings, exhibited at exhibitions and in museums of Karelia and beyond its borders. (National archive of Republic of Karelia)

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