Georgievich Verich

Russia • nació en 1912

Biografía e información

Thesis in the CVC - "Michurin", the rating is good. The training took place at the sculpture faculty. Awarded the title of artist-sculptor.

Native village Fedorovka of the Taganrog district. He graduated from LINGAS-IZHSA (1947), studied at V. A. Sinaisky, G. A. Schultz; thesis – portrait of I. V. Michurin, head of A. T. Matveev. Participant of exhibitions (since 1934), including the national art exhibition (1950). Performed a series of sculptural portraits: twice Hero of the Soviet Union N. Gulyaev D. (1951), and shevik A. N. Korchina (1957), sailor from the battleship "Potemkin" F. P. Nikitina (1958), designer of I. D. Davidenko (1960), writer I. D. Vasilenko (1962), Hero of Socialist Labor A. P. Plakhov (1963), shepherd I. Reshetov (1964) etc. Worked as a sculptor on the CMH and the main sculptor on the Kusa factory (1947-1953). Executed for the art of casting models armchair sculpture: "Portrait of I. V. Michurin" (bust, 1947), vase "Victory" (1949), the statue: "Mistress of Copper mountain" (1952), "Interesting book" (1953), "Young glider pilot" (1953), "the Young hunter on skis" (1953). Taught in the Taganrog pedagogical Institute (1962).