Alexandrovich Bryzgalov

Russia • nació en 1973

Son of Alexander and Nina Nikolaevna Bryzgalov. Draws on three years, attended art school during his studies in it parents. In six years, the first exhibition was held in the school. At age 18 he entered the Moscow Polygraphic Institute (Department of graphics and book design). Studied in the studios of A. A. Livanov, and V. M. Miturich-Khlebnikova, M. Miturich and V. Pertseva. Works in graphics books, magazines, in easel painting. Participated in the design of the encyclopedia ed. "AVANTA+" and the magazine "Marusya". Periodically come out of his newspaper and magazine publications. Party of seven exhibitions of the group "New Russian modern". In 1994 Marat Bryzgalov received a patent in WIPO on "the Multidimensional chess of Marat Bryzgalov". The invention is a new game created for the first time after the appearance in the 4th century BC the traditional chess Emperor Wudi in China. Marat Bryzgalov is the author of the book "the Fabulous myths of the Slavs". In 2001, Marat Bryzgalov illustrated fairy-tale romance of Alexander Bryzgalova "Tales for Camilla" consisting of the books: "the Book of the cat", "Book of sin", "the Book of warriors I, warriors Book II", "Maeve Lelel green cat" - 100 images. In 2000-2001, Marat Bryzgalov has developed a fundamentally new system of Tarot cards from 999 maps. Made 999 songs picture to these cards. Established a completely new system of Tarot cards that I was looking for since the end of the 13th century. (During the work the artist has made more than 10000 pictures). Marat Bryzgalov, the author of a series of compositions, "Tales of the elves."

Work on the tracks began in 1995. Made of 13 songs. These compositions became the basis of easel paintings from the series tales of the elves: "the Enchanted forest", "Hunter", "Morning walk of the Prince and Princess of the elves", "the celestial Prince-guardians", "dance of the elves", "Mermaid", "Enchanted dream knight", "the Enchanted Princess dream", "Flight of the unicorns", "Romancero. The elven ballad", "the Elven beauty and the knight. The fairy and the knight", "Fairy elves and knight elves", "the Enchanted mill". Marat Bryzgalov is a unique artist, works in a very rare genre - fairytale in the technique of easel painting. The works of Marat Bryzgalov - the paintings and drawings are in collections in Russia, Spain, the Philippines.

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