Pavlovich Elkin

Russia • nació en 1959

A thesis is a graduate of Udmurt state University (Izhevsk, Russia) Valery Elkin was performed under the supervision of one of the best portrait painters of the Udmurt Republic, the people's artist A. P. Kolmogorov.

The artist works in different genres: portrait, still life, landscape, but considers himself first and foremost a master of landscape. The main theme of his works is the nature of Russia, Udmurtia, the Urals.

Beautiful Valeria El'kina are marked by subtle lyricism, a fresh perception of the different seasons. The master demonstrates a great sense of style and rhythm, understanding of harmony of tone and colour, he has his own, individual and memorable beautiful handwriting. Soft pictorial effects in the tradition of the Baltic school he organically connects with academically accurate pattern and purely Russian "levitanovskoy" sense of nature.

Valery, the singer of the urban landscape, they created a series of works dedicated to the architecture of ancient Russian cities: St. Petersburg, Suzdal, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Elabuga, Sarapul, and Izhevsk. Architectural landscapes Elkina ensure documentary accuracy, but it does not fall into the photographic literalness. The geometry of the architectural volumes organically "melted" with a picturesque plasticity and play of natural forms. The urban landscape is marked by picturesque expressiveness of the system, careful attitude to cultural heritage of Russia, cause exciting, happy feeling of homeland.

His works are recognizable not only by the nature of the writing, transmitting all the plethora of nature. They are full of special, only that the artist is inherent in the understanding of beauty in life. In the paintings of V. Elkina phenomena of nature, many times the visible, the objects in still lifes the usual, but, nevertheless, the paintings capture the emotion and immediacy of perception. Terse, laconic in expression of the basic, they at the same time, detailed, exciting in particular. Poetry Elkina is that it is closely intertwined with authenticity. A variety of ways Elkin sculpts the surface of the canvas, smashing your emotions, ensuring accuracy of invoices, elaboration of the rhythms and polyphony of a truly musical form".

In recent years, a series of landscapes dedicated to Italy - the result of impressions received during a visit to the country. The project of the exhibition "the Shore" - a kind of Italo-Kama parallel.

In addition to painting the Honored worker of culture of the Udmurt Republic V. Elkin maintains a large artistic and pedagogical activities, more than 20 years as head of folk art to them. A. P. Kolmogorov, which unites Amateur artists of Izhevsk.

Elkina Valery's works are in art collections of the city art galleries, Tchaikovsky, the Museum of history and culture of the Middle Kama region, the city of Moscow and in private collections in Russia, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Israel, UAE, Latvia, his works decorated the interiors of large companies of the Volga region OAO "BELKAMNEFT", JSC ASPEK".


Domnina, Etc ...And the deity, and inspiration... / T Domnina, O. Shevchenko // AIF in Udmurtia. - 1996. - March 8. - P.24.

Elkin V. P. Not for sale inspiration, but the manuscript can be : [conversation] / V. P. Elkin ; recorded Knyazev // Day. - 2000. - 16 Nov. - S. 11.

Konysheva E. folk art to them. Kholmogorova A. P. (KSK metallurg) / E. Konysheva // Information collection / M-in culture of Udmurtia. Resp. - Izhevsk, 1997. - Vol. 1. - . 9-10.

Petrova E. Synmastia, pymite : [about the venue. khudozh. V. Elkina] / E. Petrova ; Fig. V. white sea // Udmurt Dunne. - 2004. - 28 APR.

Provincial sketches : [about the venue. V. Elkina "Sunshine. steps"] / prepared. A. Kalachev, A. Konoval // Day. - 2004. - 15 APR. - P.21.

Frolova E. In his soul the sun is shining / Frolov // Udmurtskaya Pravda. - 2004. - 23 APR. - S. 11.

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