Member of the LF RF (1984), honoured worker of arts. worker of culture of the Cheat. region (2003). In the 10th grade and became the winner in region competition (1979). Member. cheat. club (1979) photography lovers "Reporter" (now the people's club "Dauria"). Party mountains., region, resp., national and international (including the "world press photo", 1988) exhibitions. Solo exhibitions (1987, 2001). Worked as the press photographer of the newspaper "Komsomolets Zab." (1979-91), "Narodnaya Gazeta" (1991-96), "Zab. working" (1998), published in local and all-Union magazines: "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Sov. Russia", "Truth", "News", "Lit. newspaper", "Sov. culture", "Moscow news", etc., magazines: Ogonek, "Sov. photo", "homeland", "Journalist", etc. Four times won first place in a monthly competition-Union professional edition "Sov. photo" (1986, 1987, 1990). Photopositive published in the textbook of L. Dico "foundations of photography composition" (Moscow, 1989), the album "Perestroika" (Milan, 1989), "Fotocontest Russia" (M., 1989). Laureate of all-Union contest of the Komsomol Central Committee to the 12th festival of youth and students (1985), professional competition. V. K. Kurnatovskim Cheat. region organization szh the USSR "For the best journalistic work" (1989). Awarded a silver medal VDNH (1988).
(Manakova E. G.)
Lit.: Alkhanay: Set of postcards. Photo By E. Epanchintseva. — Samara, 2001; Vadim epanchitsev E. Made in the USSR: the Booklet of the exhibition / Ed.-comp. E. G. Kunakova. — Chita, 2001.
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