Mefodievich Savran

Russia • 1936−1993

Biografía e información

Born September 21, 1936 in the city of Pervomaisk, Luhansk (Voroshilovgrad) region. In 1958 he graduated from Odessa art College named. Grekova. In 1967 he graduated from the State art Institute of the Estonian SSR, specialty "Graphics". From 1967 to 1970 he worked as a teacher at Odessa pedagogical Institute. Ushinsky. From 1970 to 1991 he taught at the Krasnodar art College. Since 1981 member of the Union of artists of Russia.

Party-Union, Republican, zonal, regional, foreign (Canada, Yugoslavia) exhibitions. Solo exhibition was held in Krasnodar in 1974.

Savransky the artist, whose talent is revealed in the works in full force, but did not sound in the art world due to the mismatch between the then existing regime. This does not mean that the artist was a dissident or avant-garde, but in honesty, sincerity and responsibility of a thinking person was not demanded by society. In some way these features are implemented in the teaching activities of Victor Mefodevich. The artist almost 20 years he taught at the Krasnodar art College. Demanding of his disciples as to himself, he devoted them to art in the broadest sense of the word. Taught not only the craft of a draughtsman, but also to think broadly, creatively educational jobs and their lives. I do not tolerate indifference and laziness, but defended his disciples in front of colleagues, if they saw them ascending in art. By Savran, the students became acquainted with the work and worldview of Tabor, with the philosophy of M. Montaigne. Savransky-teacher adhered to the same strategy as savransky is an artist. Hard work, he believed, polishing skills, and independent thinking and openness to the world gives birth to creativity.

Works of Viktor V. M. are a case in point. What would he do illustration or book-plates, linocuts or just sketching in all the visible hand of a professional, precise eye and clear thought.

Already in his diploma work (the illustrations to "konarmia" by I. Babel), he showed a high skill of the Carver printmaking and the remarkable abilities of the playwright. Sharp experience the drama of the moment will be his characteristic in the future. In the illustrations for "Crime and punishment" Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1970), a linear pattern sounds shrill and thin, as if exposing the hidden strings of the human soul. Left white color of the paper symbolizes the empty silent space around Raskolnikov and the other characters of the novel, this emptiness can drown from despair, or to drown his loneliness. Here, Savran has shown himself as a subtle psychologist and a talented Illustrator.

Accurate understanding of the relationship between people, a clear awareness of their place in this world and the global processes of reality are transmitted in the artist's works with different techniques of graphics, saturated with appropriate emotion. The choice of technique here is very important, not random. In the linocut "the Hutsuls. A man and a woman" (1977) heroes misunderstanding each other causes the author the sadness that reflected in their faces and breaks in paper space short straight lines cutter. In another sheet "the capital Wheel", made with ink and pen, the degeneration of the human person in the environment of technocratic civilization, the enslavement of artificial structures of this world, expressed in the thorough and dense filling of the sheet image. People crammed into the composition, as in a crowded trolleybus during rush hour. Outlet, ancient ornaments depicting the sun disc, here are transformed into mechanisms of enslavement and exploitation of people.

The philosophical orientation of the art Savransky becomes more evident in his Mature works. Quiet and peaceful linocut "desktop" (1978) is essentially self - objects on the plane reveal to us the world of interests of the artist, his inner world. Clearly read three words in the image, as the three pillars that underpin all the work of Victor Mefodyevich - work, however, and the name of the French philosopher Michel Montaigne. So, ordinary still-life becomes a Declaration of the meaning of the artist's life.

But truly creative and spiritual Testament was the work "Requiem", made with a ballpoint pen. Every object and each label is a metaphor or a symbol, nourishes fine story with many meanings and concepts. Despite their number, all these parts are subject to the same whole, idea of life in the works, which the artist carried through his entire life. This capacity and content, constructive alignment and compositional clarity not only the sheet but also the life of Victor V. M. Savransky in General is an example of the wholeness of the personality, rarely achieved in our time.

(Source: portal Krasnodar territory

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