Konstantinovich Lutsk

Man widely known and respected in Shadrinsk. Born in the city Free the Amur region, and by fate in the distant Urals. Incorrect after the repression of the father mother with two toddlers on hand, son Oleg and daughter Luda, was forced to leave the city Shadrinsk under the patronage of his father, a famous honored doctor of the Russian Federation Boris Nikolayevich Pashkov. So the city of Shadrinsk became the second home of Antonov. The years went by. School and hobby drawing, Sverdlovsk art College, and then higher name Leningrad Mukhina. The work at the pedagogical Institute head of Studio of a name of Ivan Shadr, art workshops, drama... But the biggest part of his creative life he devoted to teaching at the art school. He was at the forefront of its inception and for over three decades and to this day fruitful work there. Many students chose the path of the artist, became a member of the creative Union work not only in Moscow, but in Moscow, some, like him, have become teachers. Only in school are taught to understand the great five of his former students. And he in his 75 years (December 3 Oleg Konstantinovich was the anniversary) is the author of many personal exhibitions, has left an appreciable trace in development of culture of Shadrinsk, and today in great creative form, continues to create and introduce to the world their beautiful new students.

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