Nikitich Rotanov

Russia • nació en 1940

Biografía e información

Honored artist of Russia. E. N. Rotanov was born in 1940 in the Urals. From 1959 to 1965 he studied at the Leningrad Higher art-industrial school im. V. I. Mukhina at the Department of sculpture from a talented teacher, well-known sculptor, a pupil of A. T. Matveeva, Valentina Lavrentieva Rybalko. Student's years were the beginning of a challenging and fruitful career, in which sculptor should be on this day... in the first independent works Rotanova visible thirst for monumental images and the originality of their solution. Soon after graduating from the Mukhina school in 1967-68. he takes part in the creation of the memorial ensemble "Green belt of Glory" (sculpture of the monument "Hill of Glory" in the Ivanovo thresholds). Rotanov - author of sculptural solutions plaques of KS. Petrov-Vodkin (1987), and A. F. Pakhomov (1991,Kamennoostrovsky PR. 14), academicians V. I. Vernadsky and V. G. Hlopina (1990 Kamennoostrovsky PR. 23), F. M. Dostoevsky in "house of Raskolnikov"(1999 Civil str., 19). E. N. Rotanov - the author of the monument "to Soldiers - internationalists who died in Afghanistan" Seraphim cemetery 1995. The participant of competitions for the projects of monuments to F. Shalyapin (I place), A. A. Akhmatova (3), O. F. Bergholz, etc. his Whole life working on the image of Alexander Block, creating a variety of options plastic embodiment in sculpture and graphics.

E. N. Rotanov - participant of numerous exhibitions, international symposiums on sculpture. His works are in the Tretyakov gallery, Russian Museum, urban sculpture Museum and many other museums of Russia.