Gustavovich Abols

Russia • 1922−1983

Biografía e información

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Born in a family of teachers. Second wife – artist Gemma Skulme.

While studios in the second gymnasium of Riga, he attended the art Studio under the leadership of Suta (1938 – 1940), studied at the State Institute of Theatrical arts in Moscow (1944), State of the art Academy of Latvia Professor O. Skulme (thesis – " Th. Sverdlov in the middle of the Latvian red Riflemen 1919", 1951). Also studied at the Leningrad Institute of Painting, sculpture and architecture. Ilya Repin, after which he received a title of candidate of art Sciences .

B participates exhibitions since 1951

Group exhibitions : Moscow (1980), West Berlin (1981), Calais, Vienna, Carnikava (1982), Riga (1984), Bergamo (1987).

Posthumous exhibition 1993.

Member of the artists Union of Latvia since 1956

Participated in television broadcasts and has been published.

In his early career, he worked mainly in the historical genre, creating portraits, landscapes, combining Latvian realistic school of painting with the techniques of social realism. In the mid 60-ies abruptly switched to the "severe style", a high degree of certainty. In the 70 years of the 20th century again changed the form and content of works, lost any indoctrination that occurs uglublenie in the internal processes. The artist writes mostly abstract landscapes and still lifes, ispolnyaya image with the help of signs and symbols. Important billing Kolari, raspredilenie Patnow paints, tsytaty of world culture.

He worked in easel and monumental painting, interior design, book graphics.

  • Estudios
  • Maestros