Vladimirovna Krinickaya

Russia • nació en 1926

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.


She was born may 10, 1926 in the city of Sverdlovsk, now Yekaterinburg. He studied at the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture.And.E.Repin Academy of arts of the USSR (b.All-Russian Academy of arts) at the sculpture faculty of the famous pre-revolutionary times of the sculptor V. V. Lishev. Diploma work - "a Monument Balvu" rating - excellent. Upon graduation, the qualification of artist-sculptor. Member of the Union of artists. In 1950-1980 G. G. lived in Sverdlovsk and worked at the Sverdlovsk regional branch of Union of artists of Russia. Lived and worked in Yalta. The author of the portraits of p. P. Bazhov, the sailor D. P. Khokhryakova, Komsomolets Visa twenties Peter Tipikina, young workers ( "Craftsman", 1957, marble) and engineers. On the facade of the Sverdlovsk regional library named after V. G. Belinsky is an expressive portrait of A. M. Gorky (1960,cast iron). The author of the monument "Unity of front and home front" (1968) in the city of Pervouralsk. Very bright personality, a great storyteller, honest and uncompromising people. Because of its straightforward character with many ruined relationships. In the seventies she is rich, talented and witty - due to deteriorating health had to move to the Crimea, but there was no work, sculpting had only himself, and when with great difficulty returned to Sverdlovsk, it became clear that the talented sculptor Valentina V. Krinitsky, many (intentionally) "forgot ". Many had to start over. It was a lot of original ideas, craftsmanship is not gone, but hurt the heart and forces almost was not. She died in 1988 And it is a pity that the works are few, and stories about her life and work, artists, politicians and various other people - famous and not famous -no one is likely on tape or something else not recorded.

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