Nikolaevich Ogarev

Russia • nació en 1934

Biografía e información

He was born in 1934 in the village of Gorky region. Bessemenov In 1957 he graduated First Chkalov Military aviation school of pilots im. K. E. Voroshilov. In 1965 he Graduated from the correspondence University of arts primary and high courses of drawing and painting. In 1973 he graduated from a four-year evening classes in drawing, painting and graphics at the Moscow GOV't. khudozh. Institute. V. I. Surikov. In 1973-74 he trained in the Studio of A. Alekseev in the Studio of military artists to them. Grekova. Joined the Union on the recommendation of the national artist. V. I. Pereslava and A. A. Alekseev in 1989 he Participated in many Soviet exhibitions. Works in the genre paintings, portraiture, still life and landscape.

(Source: website of the Moscow Union of artists)

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