Alexandrovich Aboimov

Russia • nació en 1946

Born November 26, 1946 in the city of Mednogorsk in Russia. In 1953 the family moved to Uzbekistan Tashkent and he went to school. In 1959, two years visited visual Studio in the Palace of pioneers.

From 1961 to 1966 he studied at the Art College named after p. P. benkova in the city of Tashkent. Tutors - Martakov P. P., Perov A., Ryzhkov.

From 1966 to 1971 he studied at the Tashkent theatre art Institute named after Ostrovsky in this monumental Department. Teachers - Neighbors V. P., Zhmakin V., Professor Chingiz Ahmarov.

From 1971 to 1991 he worked in the city of Ferghana at the art Fund, a muralist, completed 22 large object ( painting, engraving, painting).

5 years she taught in art school.

24 Sep 1979 was admitted as a member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Worked as the main artist region: Fergana, Kokand, Andizhan, Namangan.

At the same time eight years studied the Russian realistic art in the Tretyakov gallery, the Hermitage.

1991 - present lives and works in the Crimea in the village of Amber. Loves to study the works of great masters. Writes a lot from life.

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