Mikhailovich Koshelev

Russia • nació en 1949

Biografía e información

Schedule. He graduated from the Leningrad state PED. in-t im. A. I. ;Gertsen (1972). Participant of exhibitions: mountains. in Petrozavodsk, Rep. since 1975, the region. "The Soviet North" (Syktyvkar, 1979; Novgorod, 1984), "Artists of the North" (Murmansk, 1989), "Russian North" (Kirov, 1998; Vologda, 2003), all-Russian. (1976, 1979, 1980, 2002), abroad. – in the GDR (1985). C. the Museum will depict. the claim in Rep. Karelia, State. the Museum-reserve "Kizhi".

(Source: encyclopedia)

Schedule, engaged in domestic genre, landscape. Born in D. Smolino Karamyshevskaya district of the Pskov region in 1949, he Graduated from the Leningrad Institute. Herzen (1967-1972). Member of the artists ' (1980).

Works: "the Army painter" (1976), "Morning", "Evening", a series of "watercolors September" (1987), "Vidlitsa" (1987), "Haystacks" (1989), "Kondopoga. July" (1990).

Exhibition: the national (1976, 1979, 1980), North-79-89, of artists of Kazakhstan - since 1975, in East Germany (Neubrandenburg - 1986).

Location of works: CMIE, Kizhi.