Vladimirovna Selavri (Sochneva)

Russia • nació en 1966

He graduated from the Sverdlovsk art. College, USU them. Gorky. Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 2002.

He studied at art school №1 in 1977-81. Teacher – MEP N. N.

Graduated from design Department of the CFS to them. I. D. Shadr in 1985.

Since 1972. - participant of city, regional, all-Russian and international exhibitions.

A number of works are in private collections in Russia, Canada, Israel.

1993 — graduated from art history Department of Ural state University.

Worked as a graphic designer at the creative production plant HF RSFSR, in 1985–1993.

In 1993-1995. - head of the artistic production Department of the Ekaterinburg theatre of dolls.

Since 1995. - art Director.

Since 2003. – the main artist of the Ekaterinburg puppet theatre, lecturer of technology of puppet theatre, Yekaterinburg state theater Institute.

More than 30 performances in theaters of Yekaterinburg, Novouralsk, Krasnoturinsk. Among them: S. Marshak "Twelve months" (Ekaterinburg puppet theatre, 1995.) G. Sinkevich "Love to one Orange" (Krasnoturyinsk theatre of puppet and actor,1996), A. Borok, S. Rafts "don Giovanni" (Ekaterinburg puppet theatre,1997), A. Orlov, V. Sizov, "a Ballad about Sea Princess" (Ekaterinburg puppet theatre, 2000).Shuvalov "Dwarf Nose" (Ekaterinburg puppet theatre, 2002), B. Akunin "gull" (Ekaterinburg puppet theatre, 2004), A. Borok "Pinocchio" (Ekaterinburg puppet theatre, 2005), A. Suhorukova "good Old tale" (Ekaterinburg puppet theatre, 2009).

Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 2002.

Member STD RF (VTO).

Chairman of the section of artists of theater and cinema SW vtoo SHR.

Student of the correspondence Department of the St. Petersburg Academy of theatre arts (faculty of theatre of dolls, specialty "artistic Director of theatre of dolls")

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